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Nazis are attacking more in Britain, but get deserved retaliation. 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] [[red underline]] New furnace  [[/red underline]]
[[/vertical note in left margin]] 
- Furnace man arrived here late in the evening tinkering with the rebellious furnace and kept me up until 10.P.M. After he said: "All is right now. - He was scarcely gone fifteen minutes, when the furnace balked again. - Slept a poor cold night 
[[underline]] Aug 28. [[red underline]] Furnace finally works well. [[/red underline]] - Went to Bakelite office, then to University Club where I [[red underline]] invited Mr. Grenade for dinner. [[/red underline]] - Pleasant meeting. Cold weather. 
[[underline]] Aug 29. [[/underline]] At Yonkers, putting things in shape and writing letters. - Bombings on a larger scale between British and Nazi forces. - Rain, Rain! Rain! all day.  
[[underline]] Aug. 30. [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Big ship crowded with refugees [[/red underline]] and returning americans [[red underline]] landed in New York [[/red underline]] yesterday from the Scandinavian countries. The [[red underline]] Germans had frightened them[[/red underline]] by telling their course would be over mined seas. 
[[underline]] Aug 31 [[/underline]] (Sunday) Yesterday a [[red underline]] terrible accident [[/red underline]] happened on an [[red underline]] Aviation [[/red underline]] engine flying overland. - Something went wrong. The whole outfit fell down and everyone was 
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^[[25]] -[[red underline]] killed. - [[strikethrough]] Numerous [[/strikethrough]] [[All!]] passengers [[/red underline]] included. Today it rained heavily all day. Temp. 74° very foggy. So stayed indoors all day to complete these notes. All help and servants away. Feels very sultry inside and outside the house. Inside the house it was 78°. Floods in many places. Streets in New Jersey and other low lying lands over run with water and traffic interrupted 
[[underline]] Monday [[/underline]] Sept 2. ([[underline]] Labor [[/underline]] Day) European fights and city bombings as usually. Milder weather than yesterday, then brightening and getting hotter. 76°F 
[[vertical note in left margin]] [[red underline]] Violent Rainstorms [[/underline]] this afternoon [[/vertical note in left margin]] 
[[red underline]] Roosevelt [[/red underline]] has suddenly [[red underline]] given our [[strikethrough]] [[80?]] [[/strikethrough]] or 50 [[strikethrough]] dest [[/strikethrough]] Destroyers to Great Brittain in exchange of several islands, [[/red underline]] and other British possessions to be occupied by U.S. - A very unexpected announcement of a trade which has been arranged with consultation of Congress or Senate. But which seems acceptable. Much comment from various sources and specially from some of our legislators. The [[red underline]] British seem very glad [[/red underline]] about all this and their newspapers announce it with glee. - Quite some people here fear that all this may bring us into the war. - Went to the Bakelite office. British are retorting the German Air-plane bombings by sending destruction with their planes into Germany and possessions also killing off many German planes in Brittain 
[[underline]] Sept 3. [[/underline]] More comments on the Destroyer trade to [[strikethrough]] Eur [[/strikethrough]] Brittain