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to the Anchorage. When I arrived there I found that Andrew with his family had gone out on a pic-nic, because I had erroneously wired him that my arrival was for tomorrow
[[underlined]] December 28. [[/underlined]] Day spent in [[strikethrough]] pack [[/strikethrough]] unpacking. - Andrew has done good work; [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] house and garden in excellent condition. Nice sunny weather
[[underlined]] December 29. [[/underlined]] Drove to station with Andrew to get my large black trunk. The new Pram has arrived in excellent condition Walked to Fairchild garden, who is busy writing another book of his explorations.
[[underlined]] December 30. [[/underlined]] Long speech by Roosevelt in Washington, broadcasted over the U.S. and other countries; threatening to support Britain in any way except that our men should not leave the U.S. His speech made a great sensation but I should not wonder if he soon forgets his promise that our men should not leave the country Undoubdetly his speech like all preceding ones was prearranged by the men around him in Washington Beautiful day. The "Anchorage" looks at its best.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
January 1 - 1941 148
[[double underlined]] 1941 [[/double underlined]] [[underlined]] New Year. [[/underlined]] Germans and British still continuing destroying each others important towns factories, harbors, ships etc etc as well as the continued killing by bombs and air planes Annual meeting at the Yacht Club. sandwiches and drinks being served as usually. The place is crowded to the limit. and every one seems cheerful.
[[underlined]] Jan 2. [[/underlined]] Tried driving my station Wagon around our garden and was astonished to find that I had not lost handling the outfit
Friday [[underlined]] Jan 3 [[/underlined]] . Went to buy supplies at the Grocery store. which has moved to more spacious quarters, Well equipped and furnish endless varieties of food stuffs and other articles.
This afternoon had the visit of Dr. Townsend who formerly was the head of the New York Aquarian. A man who acquired much knowledge and appreciation as the Zoologist of the famous all brass exploration ship in relation to [[connect?]] the sea meridians etc. of the World This ship was financed by Andrew Carnegie.
Townsend brought his sister along His hearing is rather reduced so is his vision. He now lives 

Transcription Notes:
Towards the bottom of the second page, I think he is saying to 'connect the sea meridians' I am pretty certain this is 'meridians' as he tends to separate his d's to where it almost looks like o l