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of Engineering who at present has been requested to take charge of engineering department of our army now in formation During his absence with the army in formation he will have as a substitute Prof. Kip Finch who already is the executive Officer of Department of Civil engineering Went to Prof Hixson's office but he was busy outside.
Met George Baekeland at his office, who tells me that [[underlined]] Brooksie [[/underlined]] has left Celine's Camp and has returned to Harvard, so as to enlist in study of Air - plane engineering; thus dropping Chemistry, - Am sorry to hear this, showing rather restless purposes The poor boy however with a mother who is not inspiring, to say the least is at a great disadvantage; if his father is too severe. - I shall write to him in Harvard and perhaps visit him
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[[underlined]] July 30. [[/underlined]] A very dark day cloudy and dark and rain
[[left margin vertical]] Brooksie has returned to our camp and is practising flying [[/left margin vertical]]
August 2. - Still awaiting a letter from Brooks in response to the long letter I wrote him to come and stay here for a day
Further complications with Japan where F.D.R. (Roosevelt and his group are trying to get us into war; even if the Japs are trying to avoid it; unless the Japanese officers who got their training in Germany try to cause a war in Siam or other adjacent countries.
8 [[underlined]] August 8. [[/underlined]] Celine and myself with Dick left by Yonkers Ferry on our motor car, this morning. First went along the beautiful motor car road, that runs along the base of the Palisades. - Then afterwards followed the Palisade road Northward; took excellent luncheon at that excellent hotel and dining room, all made from trees near West. Point. After