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direct from there his armays and concentrating their action in Africa.
[[underlined]] December 24. [[/underlined]] Celine is fixing flowers etc. for tomorrow's festivities. - where we expect our whole family. - Feel very tired and need a rest.
[[underlined]] December 25 [[/underlined]] Xmas. Beautiful weather and family reunion. Dickies charming little boy; her fine husband and an intelligent Swiss nurse to take care of the child. Made this an impressive meeting to me, - The little boy seems very healthy and intelligent, worthy of his parents. George Baekeland and his wife and Celine Roll and her husband who has been called to arms war also there. - [[strikethrough]] Broky [[/strikethrough]]
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[[left margin vertical]] Von Hissert, the husband of Dickie, proves once more to be an intelligent pleasant man [[/left margin vertical]]
Brooksie, who is preparing himself to enlist in the Canadian's army, seems more serious than he used to be.
All in all it was a very impressive family reunion. Let us hope that the enlisting boys, may return to us from their war experiences .. 
Mean time war almost everywhere seems to be keeping on. The Japanese originated to spread war further in the Phillipines and British possessions. The was has extended itself into the Dutch possessions and even in the pacific Ocean close to our California shores, and spreading.
[[underlined]] December 26 [[/underlined]] . Very busy with Dick packing my trunks. - Celine went to New York.