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Better weather. Jan 2. but still cool. - Darkening of skies and no lights to night [[strikethrough]] to teach [[/strikethrough]] for one hour. So as to accustom. the city and suburbs to attempts [[strikethrough]] to drop fire [[/strikethrough]] of enemies who would try to bomb the city at night. This is merely to teach the inhabitants against such a possibility Garden, boat and house have been renovated beautifully and everything looks clean and well taken care of.
[[underlined]] Friday Jan 16. [[/underlined]] Paul our caretaker has done good work on this line.
This morning took a long ride with him getting my driver and boat permits
Monday January 19 - 1942
Burma Premier has been arrested in Japanese Plot. Eyewitness tells how Batan
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soldiers shoot Nipponese from the skies. British block coup in Orient
Celine is out with Mrs. Fairchild and her daughter for luncheon. We are still without any news from my sister and Celine's sister in Europe. Latest we heard is that anything we send in food clothing or money is to be divided between them and Germans or German soldiers. I am invited for the annual dinner of the Bay Biscayne Yacht Club. - But shall not go there.
[[underlined]] January 20. [[/underlined]] Bright day. Went with Paul to obtain documents from coast guards for my Yacht "The ION", permitting me and my yacht navigation within the 30 ? limit 
[[left margin]] ? [[/left margin]]
While waiting for this had