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Metropolitan Museum of Art
Modern Museum of Art
Whitney Museum
N.Y. Public Library

[[bracket symbol in right margin connecting the first 4 items with a note "N.Y. City" [[/bracket symbol in right margin]]

Chicago Art Institute
Ryerson Collection Chicago
Museum at Oakland California
Telfair Academy Savannah
Museum Art Honolulu
Morgan Memorial Hartford
Phillips Memorial Washington
Library of Congress    "  [[ditto for Washington]]
Detroit Museum
Yale University
Princeton University

   There are other museums but I have no list with me here at Rockport.
   I have sold many etchings water colors and paintings but I have no complete idea as to where they are as I have been selling them through dealers for the last twenty years and I don't know where they are as I have not enquired about the purchasers except on a few occasions.

Cordially yours
Gifford Beal