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or I would gladly do much more.  Still do not let him suffer but appropriate as much of my funds over as you think his circumstances require.  in the course of a few months I shall have more money with Greene & Co when I can be more liberal & now having disposed of business a word or two as to my locality & engagements.  In my last letter I told you I intended passing the Summer if possible in Venice.  Fortune favoring me in commissions I left Rome Early with the [[plan?]] of painting them & also making a few Studies for myself taking the mountain route as you will learn by a letter I wrote Alx a few days since.  Being fortunate in a companion we had a delightful time with an abundance of agreeable & amusing incident to remember with pleasure now the toils & difficulties of such travel are over.- Of all the minor circumstances of the trip I hope to hold many a converse with you when we meet in Italy.  Suffice it here that after a jolly month we found ourselves domesticated in Venice on Palazzo Quarini on the Grand Canal next door to the academy. where we immediately commenced copying.  when I wrote you from Rome I was anxious for you to meet us here that we might study together & then proceed to Rome again in the Autumn. but it seems the fates have been against.  I will however still hope to meet you in the Eternal City in the course of a few months.  My friend Severus is here & Mr Lang the Artist with whom I came on & myself occupy the first floor of the Palace & as we take our meals at home we have a merry life of it.  So often I have wished the [[addition]] of your worthy self to the party.  Knowing how much you [[would?]] enjoy a residence in Venice Situated as we are 2 other [[American?]] Artists Mr Terry + Mr Kellogg are likewise spending