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Januall 19, 1965 [[strikethrough?]]

Dear Mrs Frances Albrier.

I am very glad to day to receive your letter, because many moths ago, from our visite in your beautiful country. I did not [[strikethrough]] xxxxxx [[/strikethrough]] receive one letter from you and from Mr. Lee When I was in Los Angeles. I wrotr to you and to M. LeƩ, but I didn't receive your letter.

My sco[[ll]]s are gaing well I have 3 elemen[[ta]]ry scools to direct and I have about 950 students this year. Some times I have diffi[[ul]]t [[strikethrough t/y ]]o buy some materials like pencils and notebookc. Last year my friend in Chicagi help me to buy some notebooks but this year I can't do that because I don't have money. Here we have three families missionnarys from U.S.A who are working with us here. On family from Chicago one from New Jersey and one from Indiana.

My family is well, we have five children now. My wife is helping some [[strikethough m in women]] women here in circle women at Moanza. Some tunes shi is going in villages to help the women. M. Origene SITEKE is well, he is working in his school at Busala I can't forga my visit in your house! I remembred it please, send me address of Mr. Lee I want to write him. Please write me soone I want to hear from you.

My greetings to you and to you friends.

Principal of Elementary
School at Moanza.
[[signature]] ERM [[/signature]]