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[[underlined]] National Council of Negro Women, S.F. Chapter [[/underlined]] (cont'd)   Page 3

127. Underwood, Lucille 1308 Broderick, S.F. 15 WE 1-8818
128. Watson, Christine 3163 Sacramento, S.F. 15 JO 7-1471
129. Watson, Opal 1810 Webster, S.F. 15 WE 1-5616
130. Weir, Dorothy 1929 Sutter, S.F. 15 WA 1-7525
131. White, Lurline 937 Scott, S.F. 15 FI 6-3365
132. Williams, Carrie 844 Captive
133. Williams, May 3001 Pine, S.F. 15 JO 7-8152
*134. Williams, Ruby Lee 1162 Oakdale St., S.F. 24 VA 4-5341
135. Wilson, Louise 2 Farren, S.F. 15 WE 1-6086
136. Wilson, Mamie 2461 Post, S.F. 15 JO 7-3118
*137. Young, Pinkie 1531 Fulton St., S.F. 17

^ Handwritten [[Council activities 1956-1957
Citizenship-Education Project.
Negro History
First Display on Negro History The Emporium Window. Negro History Week The Big E. Salutes S.F. Council of Negro Women]]
