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[[preprinted]] 2017 [[/preprinted]] (3) Galium   On damp [[wooded?]] slope west of High Point, and above house site. Abundant. Past bloom. 
Bull Run Mts. H.A. Allard 7-26-36.
= G. circaezans Michx. [[symbol]]

[[preprinted]] 2018 [[/preprinted]] (4) Galium latifolium Michx. Growing in same locality near #2017. Abundant past bloom. Bull Run Mts. 7-26-36 H.A. Allard [[symbol]]

[[preprinted]] 2019 [[/preprinted]] (1) Galium circaezans Michx. Growing in same locality near #2018. Bull Run Mts. 7-26-36 H.A. Allard [[symbol]]

[[preprinted]] 2020 [[/preprinted]] (2) Muhlenbergia tennuifolia (Willd.) B.S.P. Graminae. In same woods and locality with #2017. Bull Run Mts. 7-26-36 H.A. Allard [[symbol]]

[[preprinted]] 2021 [[/preprinted]] (1) [[strikethrough]] Gerardia [[/strikethrough]] Aureolaria virginica (L.) Pennell. In same woods and locality with #2017. Full bloom - scattered. Bull Run Mts. H.A. Allard 7-26-36. [[symbol]]

[[preprinted]] 2022 [[/preprinted]] (1) Hydrocotyle americana L. In brook in woods below High Point 1 mil S. Hopewell Gap - above old house. Not abundant. Bull Run Mts. 7-26-36 H.A. Allard [[symbol]]

[[preprinted]] 2023 [[/preprinted]] (2) Galium triflorum Michx. In woods with #2017 - 1 mile S. of Hopewell Gap, abundant. Bull Run Mts. H.A. Allard 7-26-36 [[symbol]]

[[preprinted]] 2024 [[/preprinted]] (2) Crataegus straminea Beadle. In high pasture at Hopewell Gap, S. of road. Several trees here near top. Bull Run Mts. H.A. Allard 7-26-36 [[symbol]]

[[preprinted]] 2025 [[/preprinted]] (1) Desmodium [[strikethrough]] grandiflorum [[/strikethrough]]. In woods S of Hopewell Gap west slope 1 mile - near old house. Scattered - full bloom. = D. acuminatum DC. Bull Run Mts. H.A. Allard 7-26-36 [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2026 [[/preprinted]] (1) Ipomoea pandurata (L.) Meyer   In woods 1 mi. S. of Hopewell Gap near old house - scattered here full bloom. Bull Run Mts. 7-26-36 H.A. Allard [[symbol]]

[[preprinted]] 2027 [[/preprinted]] (1) Crataegus crus-galli L. Growing in same locality beside #2024 Bull Run Mts. 7-26-36 H.A. Allard [[symbol]]

[[preprinted]] 2028 [[/preprinted]] (2) Crataegus straminea Beadle Growing in same pasture near #2024. Bull Run Mts. 7-26-36 H.A. Allard [[symbol]]

[[preprinted]] 2029 [[/preprinted]] (2) Labiatae   In same locality of pasture beside #2024. = Koellia pycnanthemoides (Leavenw.)Kuntze. Bull Run Mts. 7-26-36 H.A. Allard [[symbol]]

[[preprinted]] 2030 [[/preprinted]] (2) Vernonia glauca (L.) Britton   At Hopewell Gap, in low ground in old pasture S. of road. Full bloom - abundant. Bull Run Mts. 7-26-36 H.A. Allard [[symbol]]

[[preprinted]] 2031 [[/preprinted]] (1) [[strikethrough]] Lappa [[/strikethrough]] Arctium minus Schk. Near old cabin site at Hopewell Gap. South of road - where peach trees etc [[grew?]]. Bull Run Mts. 7-26-36 H.A. Allard [[symbol]]

[[preprinted]] 2032 [[/preprinted]] (1) Lactuca scaviola L APB sativus Growing in great abundance with #2031 at old house site there. Bull Run Mts. 7-26-36 H.A. Allard [[symbol]]

[[preprinted]] 2033 [[/preprinted]] (3)  [[strikethrough]] Polygonum [[/strikethrough]] Persicaria hydropiper (L.) Opiz In yard of old cabin with #2032 and #2031 Abundant here, full bloom. Bull Run Mts. 7-26-36 H.A. Allard [[symbol]]

[[preprinted]] 2034 [[/preprinted]] (2) Brassica nigra (L.) Koch. Cruciferae Very abundant around old cabin site with #2031 and #2032 - full bloom. [[strikethrough]] 1 mi. [[/strikethrough]] south of road at Hopewell. And Sinapis arvensis L
Bull Run Mts. 7-26-36 H.A. Allard [[symbol]]

Transcription Notes:
The numbers 2017 through 2034 are preprinted. Between each entry (e.g between #2017 and #2018 there is a line drawn across the page. At the lower right of each entry is a small symbol like a cursive e.