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[[preprinted]] 2071 [[/preprinted]] (4) Panicum sphaerocarpon Ell. In woods on slope near [[underlined]] Phaseolus [[/underlined]] colony just N.E. of Belts or N'west of Mulberry tree 1 mile N. of Hopewell Gap.  abundant. Bull Run Mts H.A. Allard 8-9-36 [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2072 [[/preprinted]]  (1) [[underlined]] Asclepias Phytolaccoides [[/underlined]] Pursh.
Growing with #2071 Not common; scattered. Past blooming. Bull Run Mts H.A. Allard 8-9-36 [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2073 [[/preprinted]]  (2) [[underlined]] Panicum [[/underlined]] microcarpon Muhl
Growing with #2071. Damp location in woods. Abundant. Bull Run Mts H.A. Allard 8-9-36 [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2074 [[/preprinted]]  (2) [[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Polygonum [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] Persicaria hydropiper (L.) Opiz.
Wet woodland swamp N.E of Belt's 1 mile N. of Hopewell Gap, just west of flat rock and [[underlined]] Phaseolus [[/underlined]] colony. Abundant here. Bull Run Mts H.A. Allard 8/9-36 [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2075 [[/preprinted]]  (3) [[underlined]] Lycopus [[/underlined]] uniflorus Michx. Growing with #2074 and [[underlined]] Lycopus [[/underlined]] virginicus L = 2075 B
Abundant here and in wet places. Bull Run Mts H.A. Allard 8-9-36 [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2076 [[/preprinted]]  (1) [[underlined]] Desmodium rotundifolium [[/underlined]] DC Growing with #2074. Abundant on woodland slopes here. Full bloom; no fruiting yet. Bull Run Mts H.A. Allard 8-9-36 [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2077 [[/preprinted]]  (1) [[underlined]] Vaccinum [[/underlined]] corymbosum L
Growing in swamp with #2074. Bush was 10 feet high or more - no fruit. Uncommon in Bull Run. Bull Run Mts H.A. Allard 8-9-36 [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2078 [[/preprinted]]  (1) [[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Epipactis [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] Peramium [[underlined]] pubescens [[/underlined]] (Willd.) Mac M.
Wooded [[insertion]] ^ slope [[/insertion]] near #2074 - by cart path. full bloom; not abundant. This my first record for Bull Run. Bull Run Mts H.A. Allard 8-9-36 [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2079 [[/preprinted]] (5) [[underlined]] Phaseolus polystachyus [[/underlined]] (L.) BSP Foot of cliffs just N.W of Belts at big flat rocks. Full bloom and setting pods  1 mi. N. of Hopewell Gap. A large colony here, the only record I have found in Bull Run Mts. H.A. Allard 8-9-36 [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2080 [[/preprinted]]  (1) Graminae  In woods growing with #2071 Scattered on slopes. = Agrostis perennans (Walt.) Tuckerm. Bull Run Mts H.A. Allard 8-9-36 [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2081 [[/preprinted]]  (1) [[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Gerardia [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] Aureolaria laevigata (Raf.) Raf.
Wooded slope 1 mi. N. of Hopewell Gap and just east of Belt's below colony of [[underlined]] Phaseolus [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] Polystachyus [[/underlined]]
Scattered; full bloom H.A. Allard Bull Run Mts 8-9-36 [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2082 [[/preprinted]]  (2) [[underlined]] Populus [[/underlined]] alba L 
Near Belt's in door yard. Bull Run Mts H.A. Allard 8-9-36 [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2083 [[/preprinted]]  (1) [[underlined]] Oenothera [[/underlined]] biennis L  Woods on cart road to Harris Place. 1 mi. N. of Hopewell gap. Full bloom. Shaley hillside. Bull Run Mts H.A. Allard 8-9-36 [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2084 [[/preprinted]]  (1) [[underlined]] Arctium [[/underlined]] minus Schk. In Belt's dooryard; abundant; fruiting. 1 mi. N. of Hopewell Gap. Bull Run Mts H.A. Allard 8-9-36 [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2085 [[/preprinted]]  (2) [[underlined]] Commelina [[/underlined]] communis L In Belt's dooryard; abundant; full bloom. Very slow to dry. Bull Run Mts H.A. Allard 8-9-36 [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2086 [[/preprinted]]  (2) Graminae - Damp wooded slope N.W. of Belt's near #2074;  = Leersia virginica Willd Bull Run Mts H.A. Allard 8-9-36 [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2087 [[/preprinted]]  (1) [[underlined]] Vernonia [[/underlined]] noveboracensis (L.) Willd  Roadside near where car was parked 1/2 mi. N. of Hopewell Gap. Abundant; full bloom. Bull Run Mts H.A. Allard 8-9-36 [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2088 [[/preprinted]]  (2) [[underlined]] Rudbeckia laciniata [[/underlined]] L
Growing beside #2087 Abundant in open places, meadows, roadside thickets etc; full bloom. Bull Run Mts H.A. Allard 8-9-36 [[symbol]]

Transcription Notes:
Numbers 2071 through 2088 are preprinted. After each entry there is a line across page, and unless noted, a symbol like a cursive lower case e.