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[[preprinted]] 2125 [[/preprinted]] (4) Calamagrostis cinnoides (Muhl.) Barton
Original clump from Big Bald Knob, at top 1934 Augusta Co., Va, at about 4400 feet. Abundant here, but mostly vegetative as leaves - rarely flowers; I have never seen it in flower here! These specimens grow at Arlington Farm Va, in day length tests 1936. Aug 21, 1936
[[2 short blue lines]] [[symbol]]

[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 2126 [[/preprinted]] (1) [[underlined]] Rudbeckia newmani [[/underlined]] Loud
Dreer's originally grow at Arlington Farm, Va 1936, 13 hour day by H.A. Allard in length of day tests. Aug 21, 1936. (see tabulation etc 1936
[[2 short blue lines]] [[symbol]]

[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 2127 [[/preprinted]] (2) [[underlined]] Rudbeckia newmani [[/underlined]] Loud
from Plum Point, Md. brought in by A. L. Creed Grow on control by H.A. Allard, 1936. See data 1936 Aug 21, 1936  
[[2 short blue lines]]

[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 2128 [[/preprinted]] (1) [[underlined]] Rudbeckia hirta [[/underlined]] L  
from wild lot growing near little pond by road way near old mint garden, Arlington Farm, 13 1/2 day, 1936. See data 1936. H.A. Allard Aug 21, 1936
[[2 short blue lines]] [[symbol]]

[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 2129 [[/preprinted]] (2) [[underlined]] Caryopteris [[strikethrough]] mastacanthus [[/strikethrough]] [[/underlined]] Dreer's
See data Aug 21, 1936. H.A. Allard. Grown on day length tests - control = C. incana Miq.  = C. mastacanthus Schauer. 

[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 2130 [[/preprinted]] (2) [[underlined]] Aster tataricus [[/underlined]] L.F. 
Grown under day length tests at Arlington Farm, Va., 1936. 12 hour day Aug 21, 1936 H.A. Allard 
[[2 short blue lines]]

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[[preprinted]] 2131 [[/preprinted]] (2) 
[[underlined]] Arctotis [[strikethrough]] grandis [[/strikethrough]] stoechadifolia [[/underlined]] Berger 
Growing under day length tests at Arlington Farm, Va, 12 hour day. Aug 21, 1936 H.A. Allard 
[[2 short blue lines]]

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[[preprinted]] 2132  [[/preprinted]] (1) [[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Venidium fastuosum [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] Dreer's 
Grown under day length conditions at Arlington Farm, Va. 1936. Aug 21, 1936 H.A. Allard  Same as #2131 
[[2 short blue lines]]

[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 2133 [[/preprinted]]  (1) [[underlined]] Eleocharis [[strikethrough]] obtusa [[/strikethrough]] [[/underlined]] engelmanni Steud
Wet spot by railroad at foot of Signal Knob near highway. Aug. 23, 1936. H.A. Allard.  Abundant in shallow muddy place here. Massanutten Mts. Va (Ident. by F.J. Hermann)
[[2 short blue lines]] [[symbol]]

[[end page]]
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[[preprinted]] 2134 [[/preprinted]] (1) [[underlined]] Anychia [[/underlined]] On shales on north side of Signal Knob, Massanutten Mts., near Strasburg, Va Aug. 23, 1936. Abundant here. H.A. Allard  = A. polygonoides Raf.
[[2 short blue lines]] [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2135 [[/preprinted]] (1) [[underlined]] Commelina [[/underlined]] erecta L 
On shales near #2134. Aug 23, 1936 H.A. Allard
[[2 short blue lines]] [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2136 [[/preprinted]] (3) [[underlined]] Houstonia tennuifolia [[/underlined]] Nutt
On shales and in moister woods with #2134. Aug 23, 1936 H.A. Allard
[[2 short blue lines]] [[symbol]]

[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 2137 [[/preprinted]] (3) [[underlined]] Kuhnia eupatorioides [[/underlined]] L.
On barren shales with #2134. H.A. Allard  Aug 23, 1936.   Scattered here; full bloom.
[[2 short blue lines]] [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2138 [[/preprinted]] (3) [[underlined]] Alisma [[strikethrough]] plantago-aquatica [[/strikethrough]] [[/underlined]] L
Growing with #2133, H.A. Allard Aug 23, 1936 =  subcordatum Raf.
[[2 short blue lines]] [[symbol]]

[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 2139 [[/preprinted]] Paronychia [[underlined]] argyrocama [[/underlined]] (Michx.) Nutt.
On top Nelson Rocks; at Nelson Pass, near Circleville West Va.; Aug 29, 1936. Still well in flower - on loose, dry rubble on forest cliffs. Roots thick, fleshy - readily taken up from rubble, H.A. Allard
[[2 short blue lines]] [[symbol]]

[[line across page]]

[[preprinted]] 2140 [[/preprinted]] (2) Sedum telephioides Michx
Alt 4860 ft, West Va. on brake back (west) of Mr Bennet's house on knob which is a part of Spruce Knob, Aug. 29, 1936 Very abundant here; much in bloom. H.A. Allard
[[2 short blue lines]] [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2141 [[/preprinted]] (3) [[underlined]] Hieracium pratense [[/underlined]] Tausch. (King Devil)
On Spruce Knob, West Va. 4860 feet - scattered and spreading in fields. Still in flower Sept 29, 1936  H.A. Allard. Have found it [[strikethrough]] on Big Bald [[/strikethrough]] Hard Scrabble, Walker Mts, Elliot Va. also
[[2 short blue lines]] [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2142 [[/preprinted]] (2) [[underlined]] Lycopodium complanatum [[/underlined]] var. flabelliforme Fernald
On top of Spruce Knob West Va back of Bennett's house. Aug. 29, 1936. H.A. Allard, scattered among young spruce.
[[2 short blue lines]] [[symbol]]

Transcription Notes:
Numbers 2125 through 2142 are preprinted. After each entry there is a line across page. Except where noted, each entry also includes a symbol like a cursive lower case e, and two short blue lines. Entry 2125 symbol runs into Aug. Entry 2140 ?brake as in fern brake or overgrowth (@siobhanleachman) Added [[symbol]] to 2125 as it's in front of Aug.