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[[preprinted]] 2665 [[/preprinted]] (4)
[[underlined]] Barbarea [[/underlined]] verna (Mill.) aschers.
Growing with #2664 - abundant,
full bloom: Prince William Co.
old field here.
Bull Run Mts
H.A. Allard

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[[preprinted]] 2666 [[/preprinted]] (3)
[[underlined]] Krigia [[/underlined]] virginica (L.) Willd. Growing with # 2664
and 2665. 
very abundant here in moist soil: full bloom. Bull Run Mts, H.A. Allard,
5-9-37. Prince William Co.

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[[preprinted]] 2667 [[/preprinted]] (4)
[[underlined]] Crataegus pruinosa [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] (Wendl.) Koch ident. by W.W. Eggleston
In Allard's garden. Clarendon, Arlington Co., Va
May 10, 1937. Full bloom.
Orig. indent. by Eggleston. Found in woods wild 
near by and transp. by H.A. Allard Not common; very ornamental [[symbol]] [[2 blue lines]]

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[[preprinted]] 2668 [[/preprinted]] (2) [[underlined]] Osmorhiza longistylis [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] DC [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] var [[/strikethrough]] from Allard's garden; spontaneous, very abundant until a weed, full bloom Clarendon, Arlington Co., Va 5-12-37 H.A. Allard [[2 blue lines]] [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2669 [[/preprinted]] (1) [[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Carya [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] Hicoria [[/insertion]] ovata [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] (Mill) Britton [[/insertion]] var. [[underlined]] Weiker [[/underlined]] orig sold by Jones Nursery, Lancaster Pa. Allard's grounds purchased 15 years ago - a very fine selection of our native shellbark. May 14, 1937; full bloom. H.A. Allard
Clarendon, Va 3000-7th StN [[2 blue lines]]

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[[preprinted]] 2670 [[/preprinted]] (2) [[underlined]] Staphylea [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] trifolia [[/underlined]] L from Allard's grounds. full bloom May 14, 1937. H.A. Allard [[2 blue lines]] [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2671 [[/preprinted]] (2) [[underlined]] Senecia [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] aureus [[/underlined]] L Allard's garden - from Va. material in Arlington Co., full bloom May 14, 1937 
Clarendon, Arlington Co., Va. H.A. Allard 
[[2 blue lines]] [[symbol]] begin (end)

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[[preprinted]] 2672 [[/preprinted]] (3) [[underlined]] Bromus [[/underlined]] tectorum L abundant by railroad in cinders etc south of Culpepper 1 mile 5-16-37 (all coll. of May 16, with Gurney in Entomology [[2 blue diagonal lines]] [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2673 [[/preprinted]] (6) [[underlined]] Sisyrinchium [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] mucronatum Michx [[/insertion]] In old field by R.R bed leading to Buzzard Mt., (The [[Trinurs?]]) near Culpepper or Mitchell Sta, VA abundant, full bloom May 16, 1937. H.A. Allard abundant here [[2 blue lines]] [[symbol]]

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[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 2674 [[/preprinted]] (1) Viola (blue) bearded) Beside #2673 frequent here = V. fimbriatula J.E. Smith
H.A. Allard 5-16-37 [[2 blue diagonal lines]] [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2675 [[/preprinted]] (2) Callitriche (in flower) in muddy pool at foot of Buzzard Mountain, near Mitchell Va., 5/16/37 (four of [[strikethrough]] Grylls [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Acris gryllus [[/underlined]] clicking out its pebbly notes here, as of glassy pebbles struck together. Larger than on shore.
H.A. Allard = C. heterophylla Pursh. [[2 blue lines]] [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2676 [[/preprinted]] (2) [[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Clematis [[/strikethrough]] Viarna ochroleuca [[/underlined]] (Ait) Small
On very top of Buzzard Mt., Va near Mitchell, Va. 5/16/37.  Some flowers; some past. several plants. H.A. Allard [[2 blue lines]] [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2677 [[/preprinted]] (5) Graminae
Growing near #2676. Frequent here = Stipa avenacea L
H.A. Allard 5/16/37 [[2 blue lines]] [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2678 [[/preprinted]] (1) Graminae. Near #2676. Scattered = in woods
= Festuca obtusa Spreng.
H.A. Allard 5-16-37 [[symbol]] [[2 blue lines]]

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[[preprinted]] 2679 [[/preprinted]] (4) [[underlined]] Hickoria [[/underlined]] in flower, but staminate, but flowers getting old. On top of Buzzard Mt. near #2676. abundant, large tree here.
H.A. Allard 
= H. glabra (Mill.) Britton [[symbol]] [[2 blue lines]]

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[[preprinted]] 2680 [[/preprinted]] Brassicaceae (White fl). Growing near #2676 [[symbol]] H.A. Allard 5/16/37 Occasional here Cardamine passiflora L
[[2 blue lines]] [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2681 [[/preprinted]] (1) Crataegus. anthers reddishly brown. [[symbol]] In pasture at foot of North slope of Mt. Pony near Culpepper, Va., 5/16/37
H.A. Allard (Only one seen) = C. uniflora Muensch. [[2 blue lines]] [[symbol]]

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[[preprinted]] 2682 [[/preprinted]] (2) Viola (blue) bearded
In moist wooded [[sag?]] on N. slope of Mt. Pony near Culpepper, Va., abundant, full bloom. 5/16/37. H.A. Allard. = V. sororia Willd. [[symbol]] [[2 blue lines]]

Transcription Notes:
Checked species names and tried to edit for consistency. :) - GigglePop Just made a minor edit. Think it's good to complete - @siobhanleachman