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[[preprinted]] 3205 [[/preprinted]] (2)
Wood road near spring.
2 mi. N. of Thorofare Gap.
on valley road
Athyrium asplenioides (Michx.) Desv.
Bull Run Mt.
Prince William Co.,
July 11, 1937
H.A. Allard
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3206 (1) [[/preprinted]]
[[underlined]] Thalictrum [[/underlined]] polygamum Muhl.
Near # 3205 : abundant
full bloom
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.
Prince William Co.,
July 11, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3207 [[preprinted]] (2)
[[underlined]] Agrostis [[underlined]] alba L
Valley road near R R at Thorofare Gap. woods.
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.
Prince William Co.,
July 11, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3208 [[preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Sericocarpus asteroides [[/underlined]] (L.) B.S.P.
Top of dry wooded ridge east of High Point Ridge: full bloom
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.
Prince William Co.,
July 11, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3209 [[preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Clitoria mariana [[/underlined]] L
West slope of ridge east of High Point Ridge
full bloom: scattered.
Very large beautiful bluish flowers.
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.
Prince William Co.,
July 11, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3210 [[preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Aureolaria [[/underlined]] virginica (L.) Pennell
Near # 3209.
scattered: full bloom
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.
Prince William Co.,
July 11, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3211 [[preprinted]] (2)
[[underlined]] Acerates viridiflora [[/underlined]] (Raf.) Eaton
old field near house site on valley road N. of Thorofare Gap.
scattered; full bloom
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.
Prince William Co.,
July 11, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3212 [[preprinted]] (2)
[[underlined]] Cyperus [[/underlined]] ovalaris (Michx.) Torr
Near # 3211   scattered (Ident. by F.J. Hermann.
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.
Prince William Co.,
July 11, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3213 [[preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Lactuca [[/underlined]] canadensis L.                   Near # 3211
full bloom.
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.
Prince William Co.,
July 11, 1937
H.A. Allard]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] 3214 [[preprinted]] (1)
Near # 3211.
Scattered here: full bloom
=Angelica villosa (Walt.) B.S.P.
Bull Run Mt.
Prince William Co.,
July 11, 1937
H.A. Allard
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3215 [[preprinted]] (3)
[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Emphorbia [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]] Tithymalopsis [[underlined]] corollata [[/underlined]] (L.) Kl. & Garcke.
same local, with # 3211
abundant; full bloom. 
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.
Prince William Co.,
July 11, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3216 [[preprinted]] (2)
[[underlined]] Ipomoea pandurata [[underlined]] (L.) Meyer
same loc. with # 3211
abundant: full bloom in early A.M.
later, blossoms wilt.
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.
Prince William Co.,
July 11, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3217 [[preprinted]] (2)
[[underlined]] Hypericum [[underlined]] [[strikethrough]] densiflorum [[strikethrough]] prolificum L
same loc. with # 3211
full bloom: scattered
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.
Prince William Co.,
July 11, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3218 [[preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Juncus [[/underlined]] macer S. F. Gray
Roadside, valley road near R. R. at Beverley Mill.
(Ident by F. J. Hermann)
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.
Prince William Co.,
July 11, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3219 [[preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Agrostemma [[/underlined]] githago L
By R.R. near Beveley Mill;
full bloom
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.
Prince William Co.,
July 11, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3220 [[preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Rosa [[/underlined]] carolina L
Bank in valley road near R.R. at Beverley Mill;
full bloom.
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.
Prince William Co.,
July 11, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3221 [[preprinted]] (2)
[[underlined]] Galium [[/underlined]] pilosum Ait.
wooded bank near R.R. at Thorofare Gap. Valley Road.
abundant; full bloom
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.
Prince William Co.,
July 11, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow pointing from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in next entry]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3222 [[preprinted]] (2)
[[underlined]] Stylosanthes riparia [[/underlined]] Kearney
same loc. with #3221
abundant: full bloom 
ditto [[ditto for:
Bull Run Mt.
Prince William Co.,
July 11, 1937
H.A. Allard]]