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[[preprinted]] 3241 [[/preprinted]] (3)
[[underlined]] Coreopsis tripteris [[/underlined]] L
Trail above Cold Spring:
full bloom
Elliot Knob
Augusta Co., Va
July [[strikethrough]] 15 [[/strikethrough]] 18?, 1937
H.A. Allard
west slope
[[arrow from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in entry below]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3242 [[/underlined]] (2)
[[underlined]] Quercus ilicifolia [[/underlined]] Wang
On trail below Cold Spring in weed road to Dry Banch Gap;
ditto [[ditto for:
Elliot Knob
Augusta Co., Va
July [[strikethrough]] 15 [[/strikethrough]] 18?, 1937
H.A. Allard
west slope]]
[[arrow from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in entry below]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3243 [[/underlined]] (2)
[[underlined]] Quercus coccinea [[/underlined]] Wang.
Same loc. with #3242
ditto [[ditto for:
Elliot Knob
Augusta Co., Va
July [[strikethrough]] 15 [[/strikethrough]] 18?, 1937
H.A. Allard
west slope]]
[[arrow from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in entry below]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3244 [[/underlined]] (2)
[[underlined]] Dipsacus sylvestris [[/underlined]] Huds.
Clearing by roadway near # 3242
covers a large area here taller than one's head to exclusion of everything else.
ditto [[ditto for:
Elliot Knob
Augusta Co., Va
July [[strikethrough]] 15 [[/strikethrough]] 18?, 1937
H.A. Allard
west slope]]
[[arrow from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in entry below]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3245 [[/underlined]] (1)
[[underlined]] Gaultheria procumbens [[/underlined]] L.
Woods west slope near Cold Spring
abundant; full bloom.
ditto [[ditto for:
Elliot Knob
Augusta Co., Va
July [[strikethrough]] 15 [[/strikethrough]] 18?, 1937
H.A. Allard
west slope]]
[[arrow from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in entry below]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3246 [[/underlined]] (1)
[[underlined]] Lilium philadelphicum [[/underlined]] L
Trail below Cold Spring:
occasional: full bloom
ditto [[ditto for:
Elliot Knob
Augusta Co., Va
July [[strikethrough]] 15 [[/strikethrough]] 18?, 1937
H.A. Allard
west slope]]
[[arrow from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in entry below]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3247 [[/underlined]] (1)
[[underlined]] Parthenium integrifolium [[/underlined]] L
Trail below Cold Spring:
abundant; full bloom
ditto [[ditto for:
Elliot Knob
Augusta Co., Va
July [[strikethrough]] 15 [[/strikethrough]] 18?, 1937
H.A. Allard
west slope]]
[[arrow from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in entry below]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3248 [[/underlined]] (1)
[[underlined]] Helianthus divaricatus [[/underlined]] L
Wood road near Cold Spring:
full bloom: abundant
ditto [[ditto for:
Elliot Knob
Augusta Co., Va
July [[strikethrough]] 15 [[/strikethrough]] 18?, 1937
H.A. Allard
west slope]]
[[arrow from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in entry below]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3249 [[/underlined]] (1)
^[[Cartharto?]] [[underlined]] Linum [[/underlined]]  virginicum (L.) Reichert.
Wood road below Cold Spring:
full bloom: abundant.
ditto [[ditto for:
Elliot Knob
Augusta Co., Va
July [[strikethrough]] 15 [[/strikethrough]] 18?, 1937
H.A. Allard
west slope]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 3250 [[/underlined]] (1)
Polygala verticillata L.
Full bloom: abundant on wood road.
Elliot Knob
Augusta Co., Va
near Cold Spring
July [[strikethrough]] 15 [[/strikethrough]] 18?, 1937
H.A. Allard
[[arrow from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in entry below]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3251 [[/preprinted]] (2)
[[underlined]] Solidago arguta [[/underlined]] Ait.
Top of Elliot Knob around fire tower:
coming into bloom
4473 ft
ditto [[ditto for:
Elliot Knob
Augusta Co., Va
near Cold Spring
July [[strikethrough]] 15 [[/strikethrough]] 18?, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in entry below]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3252 [[/preprinted]] (3)
[[underlined]] Melampyrum lineare [[/underlined]] Lam.
full bloom: abundnat:
around fire tower
ditto [[ditto for:
Elliot Knob
Augusta Co., Va
near Cold Spring
July [[strikethrough]] 15 [[/strikethrough]] 18?, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in entry below]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3253 [[/preprinted]] (1)
Not in bloom: top of Elliott near fire Tower
(Habenaria clavellata (Michx.) Rydb.
ditto [[ditto for:
Elliot Knob
Augusta Co., Va
near Cold Spring
July [[strikethrough]] 15 [[/strikethrough]] 18?, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in entry below]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3254 [[/preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Lycopodium tristachyum [[/underlined]] Pursh.
2/3 way up west slope trail from Cold Spring:
abundant on dry slopes
ditto [[ditto for:
Elliot Knob
Augusta Co., Va
near Cold Spring
July [[strikethrough]] 15 [[/strikethrough]] 18?, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in entry below]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3255 [[/preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Eupatorium purpureum [[/underlined]] L
Top of Elliott knob near spring:
abundant; full bloom
ditto [[ditto for:
Elliot Knob
Augusta Co., Va
near Cold Spring
July [[strikethrough]] 15 [[/strikethrough]] 18?, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in entry below]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3256 [[/preprinted]] (1)
[[underlined]] Hypericum [[/underlined]] mutilum L
Top of Elliott Knob; near spring;
full bloom
ditto [[ditto for:
Elliot Knob
Augusta Co., Va
near Cold Spring
July [[strikethrough]] 15 [[/strikethrough]] 18?, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in entry below]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3257 [[/preprinted]] (2)
Trail just above Cold Spring:
Pyrularia pubera Michx.
ditto [[ditto for:
Elliot Knob
Augusta Co., Va
near Cold Spring
July [[strikethrough]] 15 [[/strikethrough]] 18?, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[arrow from location/date/collector block to "ditto" in entry below]]
[[two blue lines]]

[[line across page]]
[[preprinted]] 3258 [[/preprinted]] (1)
^[[Catharto?]] [[underlined]] Linum virginianum (L.) Reichert.
Trail near Cold Spring
ditto [[ditto for:
Elliot Knob
Augusta Co., Va
near Cold Spring
July [[strikethrough]] 15 [[/strikethrough]] 18?, 1937
H.A. Allard]]
[[two blue lines]]