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that the report be received
There was no report from the Board of Directors the Chairman being absent
The Treasurers financial Report was next read recd and adopted.
After a brief statement by Bro Redd it was moved and seconded that we adjourn
Dismissed by the Chaplain
W.E. Burke, Secretary.

Bladensburg Md
Oct 1-1923
The Bladensburg Union was called to Order on the Above date by the President. Prayer was offered by Bro Edward Brown. the Chaplain being absent
After the Roll Call of Officers the President declared the meeting opened for business.
dues was collected to the Amt of $.3435.
The Treasurer removed the money from the table.
The minutes of our last regular meeting was next read recd & adopted.
The Chairman of the Sick reported that all of the sick  were better except Sister Hill who is [[inserted]] still [[/inserted]] sick. it was moved and seconded that the report be received.
There was no report from the Board of Directors The Chairman being absent.
The Treas made her financial report to the society it was moved and seconded that the rept be recd.
Sister Fortune stated that the different Organizations are planning to combine and give Sister Plummer A Testimonial she suggested that the society join in in helping to give it. it was moved by Bro Broome sec by Bro Robt Johnson that the society appropiate $50.

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toward it. No further business it was moved and seconded that we adjourn Dismissed by the Chaplain.
William E. Burke Secretary.

Bladensburg Md
Dec 3- 1923
The Bladensburg Union was called to Order on the Above date by the President Prayer was offered by the Chaplain. After the roll call of Officers the president declared the meeting opened for business. Dues was collected to the Amt of $4405. in Absence of the Treasurer it was moved and seconded that the Assistant Secretary Convey the money to the Treasurer.
The minutes of our last regular meeting was next read recd and adopted.
The Chairman of the Sick reported that Sister Maggie Brown was very ill. it was moved and seconded that the report be received
The Board of Directors reccomended that the following young Members be transfered to the Adult list Paul Johnson Grace Gilbert Paul Dunnington Robt Johnson Jr. Louise Moss Theodore Hill. After a brief discussion it was moved and sec that we only Transfer Paul Johnson Elsie Davis & Paul Dunnington.
it was moved and seconded that the following members be added to the Board of Directors Thos A Johnson & Howard Davis. No further business it was moved and sec that we adjourn Dismissed by Chaplain.

W.E. Burke