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[[stamped]] 14 [[/stamped]]
Bladensburg Md
March 3, 1924
The Bladensburg Union was Called to Order on the above date by the vice President the President [[strikethrough]] the President [[/strikethrough]] being absent After SChripture reading Prayer was offered by Bro Sidney Davis in absence of the Chaplain [[strikethrough]] being absent [[/strikethrough]] Bro Geo. Y. Waters was Authorized to act as marshall Protem for the evening the marshall being absent. After the roll call the President declared the meeting opened for business. Dues was collected to the amt of $2085 the Treas removed the money from the table. The minutes of our last regular Meeting was next read received and adopted. The Chairman of the Sick reported that Sister Carrie Broome + Bro John H Williams who was sick are better. it was moved and seconded that the report be recd.
There was no report from the Board of Directors. The Treasurers financial report was next read received and adopted; a brief statement was made by the Treasurer concerning the Change being made at the Hyattsville Bank After which it was moved and seconded that upon the Death of a Member that the Chairman of the Sick be empowered to get in touch with the Officers [[strikethrough]]of [[/strikethrough]]of the Church in which the funeral is to be held + ask that the Church be draped for that Member, and that the draping be removed immediately after the funeral. No further bussiness it was moved and seconded that we adjourn dismissed by the Chaplain
W.E. Burke, Secy.

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Bladensburg md.
April 7-1924
The Bladensburg union was called to Order on the Above date by the President Prayer was offered by the Chaplain After the roll call of Officers the President declared the meeting opened for business dues was collected to the Amt of $1635 The Treasurer removed the money from the table
The minutes of our last regular meeting was next read recd and adopted.
The Chairman of the Sick reported Sister Bettie Davis was [[strikethrough]] next [[/strikethrough]] sick. it was moved + sec that the report be received.
There was no report from the Board of Directors the Chairman being absent
The Treasurers financial report was next read recd + Adopted:
it was moved and seconded that we retain the present staff of Officers for the next insuing year as follows. President Aug Bowie vice Pres Robt Johnson Secretary William E. Burke. Asst Secretary Ida S. Burke. Treas Nellie A Plummer. Chm Sick Walter R Davis Asst Martha Brown Chm. Board Jas Gray. Chaplain Philip Broome. Marshall William H Redd. After which it was moved + sec that we adjourn
Dismissed by the Chaplain
WE Burke Secretary.