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P.O. BOX 8641

Dear Friend,

You are invited to attend a closed meeting of representatives from a cross section of leadership in the black community. This meeting is called explicitly to explore ways and means of eliminating existing antagonisms within the black community - particularly within the leadership - for the purpose of unifying black people in a black united front.

This particular effort has met with great success in other cities around the country where it has been tried. We feel that California in general, and the Bay Area in particular, is right for a progressive step of this type.

Therefore, you are cordially invited to attend this "Black United Front" session on Thursday, February 22, 11:00 a.m. with me and a group of black people, at Downs Memorial Methodist Church, 61st and Idaho Sts., Oakland, California.

[[signature]] Stokely Carmichael [[/signature]]
Stokely Carmichael
By Gloria Foster

PS: Please bring this letter with you for the purpose of identification.