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[[underlined]] B.N.F.C. Excursion [[/underlined]]
Baron's Court, Newtownstewart, Tyrone
AWS & RW 1.7.11

[[List of species on left with comments to right of line, here separated by | ]]

Agrio. agrestis
Milax sowerbyi | Art. introduction in garden (R.W.)
Arion subfuscus  | RW. V. rare
" [[Ditto for: Arion]] intermedius | rare
" [[Ditto for: Arion]] hortensis | Common all through woods. 
" [[Ditto for: Arion]] circumscriptus | Very rare
Vitrina pellucida  | A few dead.
Hyalinia cellaria | In garden only.
" [[Ditto for: Hyalinia]] nitidula
" [[Ditto for: Hyalinia]] alliaria | Type & var. in woods.
" [[Ditto for: Hyalinia]] pura | " " " " [[Dittos for: Type & var. in woods.]]
" [[Ditto for: Hyalinia]] radiatula | " " " " [[Dittos for: Type & var. in woods.]]
" [[Ditto for: Hyalinia]] crystallina | Common
" [[Ditto for: Hyalinia]] fulva | " [[Ditto for: Common]] in woods. 
Zon. excavatus | Common in woods, both type & var.
" [[Ditto for: Zon.]] (arboreus?) Say | The specimen in greenhouse (RW)
Helix rotundata | Common
" [[Ditto for: Helix]] lamellata | " [[Ditto for: common]] in woods
" [[Ditto for: Helix]] hispida | RW. Rare in woods.
" [[Ditto for: Helix]] rufescens | Art. introduction in garden (RW)
Coch. lubrica | Not common
[[right side of page, double underlined]] Also [[underlined]] Zon. minusculus [[/underlined]] in hot houses ([[underlined]] RW [[/underlined]])
[[/double underlined]]

[[end page]] 
[[start page]]


[[List of species on left with comments to right of line, here separated by | ]]

Carychium minimum | near lake shore
Pupa anglica | One specimen in woods near small art. lake.
" [[Ditto for: Pupa]] cylindracea | Rare.
Acicula lineata |  2 spec. var. [[underlined]] alba [[/underlined]] with [[underlined]] P. anglica [[/underlined]]. [[underlined]] A new record for Tyrone. [[/underlined]]
Limnaea peregra | In lakes.
" [Ditto for: Limnnaea]] stagnalis | Art. introduction into small pond in garden.
Physa fontanalis | RW. rare.
Planorbis albus | A small form in lakes.
" [[Ditto for: Planorbis]] crista | In art. pond in woods.  [[underlined]] A  new county record. [[/underlined]]
Sphaerium lacustre var. | Introduced into small pond in my garden with [[underlined]] L. stapnalis [[/underlined]]

Pisidium | With [[underlined]] Pl. crista. [[/underlined]] [[circled]] 306 [[/circled]]

In Riv. Moone at Newtownstewart Station 
Limnaea peregra. | Also in mill dam in village. 
Succinea pfeifferi | Round mill - dam in village. Very large.
Ancylus fluviatilis | Common.
Marg. margaritifera. | Not seen but known to be abundant in the river. [[wavy line]]

Transcription Notes:
Zon. = Zonitoides Coch. = Cochlicopa Margaritifera margaritifera