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Roadsides to Houndean Bottom, Downs at
Racecourse and woods & marsh near
Offham, Lewes, ES.
[[underlined]] AWS, [[/underlined]] TW, E.C. L.E.A., & C.E.W. 13.9.11.

Vitrina pellucida Dead Shells
Hyalinia cellaria
"[[Ditto for Hyalinia]] nitidula
"[[Ditto for Hyalinia]] pura.

Helix rotundata
"[[Ditto for Helix]] pulchella
"[[Ditto for Helix]] hispida
"[[Ditto for Helix]] rufescens
"[[Ditto for Helix]] cantiana
"[[Ditto for Helix]] nemoralis  All dead.  Some large shells.
"[[Ditto for Helix]] aspersa  Very large dead shells in Offham Woods.
"[[Ditto for Helix]] itala  One dead in Offham Woods.
"[[Ditto for Helix]] virgata
"[[Ditto for Helix]] intersecta = [[underlined]] caperata [[/underlined]] Mont.
"[[Ditto for Helix]] carthusiana  On right hand bank 1/2 mile along the Brighton Road past prison.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]
All young & many killed with the drought.  No rain here since 15th of June, when a shower lasting 20 minutes fell.
Ena obscura
Coch. lubrica
Clausilia bidentata
"[[Ditto for Clausilia]] rolphi
[[bracket enclosing Clausilia bidentata and rolphi]]} Common in Offham Woods.
"[[Ditto for Clausilia]] laminata. Offham Woods.  This is the famous place for white species.  A few seen.
Cylclostoma elegans
[[line across left margin]]
Marsh along the course of Cockshute Stream near the Priory, Lewes, ES.
Zon. nitidus
Helix virgata
"[[Ditto for Helix]] aspersa
"[[Ditto for Helix]] cantiana
Limnaea pereger
"[[Ditto for Limnaea]] palustris