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Deposit near mouth of Ray River, Falcarragh, W. Donagal. AWS. 27-8-14

List of shells taken in deposits : mostly from 2.0 horizon.

[[List of species on left with comments to right of line, here separated by | ]]

Vitrina pellucida
Helix pygmaea 
" [[Ditto for: Helix]] nemoralis | seen in the gravel at base of dep.
" [[Ditto for: Helix]] bispida
" [[Ditto for: Helix]] itala
" [[Ditto for: Helix]] barbara
" [[Ditto for: Helix]] rotundata
" [[Ditto for: Helix]] pulchella
" [[Ditto for: Helix]] costata
Coch. lubrica
Carychium minimum
Pupa muscorum
Vertigo pygmaea
Limnaea pereger
" [[Ditto for: Limnaea]] palustris
Planorbis albus
" [[Ditto for: Planorbis]] leucostoma
Succinea pfeifferi
Valvata piscinalis
Pisidium pusillum | ?
" [[Ditto for: Pisidium]] sp. ?

[[image - map of land showing the location of the deposit where the shells were collected from]]
[[image labels]]
Dune belt
Deposit being cut into by river, on storm beach & under blown sand.
[[/image labels]]

[[image - cross section of soils in the deposit from which the shells have been collected]]
[[image labels]]
modern blown sands.
3'.0" blown sand with shells.
2'-6" Sands with black sands and shells.
2.0" Gravel ? old storm beach 
Level of water in river
[[/image labels]]
This is evidently a deposit formed of flood & wind born material. The black sands in 2'/6" horizon represent flood material. 
[[circled]] 399. [[/circled]]

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Lough Muilt, 650 ft., N. of Aghla beg, W. Donegal. A.W.S. 28-8-14.

Limnaea sp.? | One full grown specimen, many young & eggs under stones with freshwater sponges (Het. [[strikethrough]] rhyderi [[/strikethrough]] ? ryderi). Unfortunately the tube containing the shell was lost in crossing boy on way home.
I am confident, however, that it was referable to [[underlined]] L. praetenius [[/underlined]] Bond

Lough Aluiry, 850 ft. alt., E. of Aglabeg, WD. AWS. 28-8-14.

A deep lake with shallow [[insertion]] ^ stony [[/insertion]] edges. No mud.

[[List of species on left with comments to right of line, here separated by | ]]
Limnaea pereger |  A form of Limnaea almost identical with that found in Lough Salt further east, but some shells are very like the Scotch [[underlined]] L. burnettii [[/underlined]] type.
[[circled]] 400 [[/circled]]
Pisidium sp? | One dead, broken, shell. Like [[underlined]] P. lilljeborgi [[/underlined]] 
Arion [[strikethrough]] ater [[/strikethrough]] intermedius 
Hyalinia alliaria
[[bracket encapsulating above two specimens]] At south end of lake, among [[underlined]] Lugula [[/underlined]].