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Dec. 29, 1931 Picked up one [[pencil check mark above "one"]] [[red pencil underline]] Western Grebe [[/underline]] and several [[red underline]] Fulvous too badly gone to save and then to Tillamook & up Hood River. Saw there [[check mark]] [[red underline]] American Merganser [[/underline]] 4 [[check mark]] [[red underline]] Hooded " [[ditto for Merganser]] [[/underline]] 2 pair the old males in high plumage. Nothing else worth recording. Detoured to Portland in a terrific snow storm which turned to rain in the valley. Dec. 30, 1931. In Portland office looking at houses etc. dictated great mass of stuff Dec. 31, 1931. At home all day - helping Clara & working on book. Dad secured chickens for us already cleaned. Worked on book. Jan. 1, 1932. [[grey tab stuck to edge of page]] 1932 Big dinner George DuBois & his wife, Prof & Ruth and Benny Hammond. Ate too much again of a dinner even better than Xmas day. Worked on Book again. Jan. 2, 1932. In office in morning. Iris with me. Took her to buy stamps and then home. Received phone call about [[Bush ?]] arrested and held in jail in lieu of $3000 bond. Worked on Book. Jan. 3, 1932. With Iris over to Columbia slough. Bottoms almost deserted by the great swarms of birds that were in a week ago. Iris went along and enjoyed herself immensely shooting her .22. In afternoon & evening working on book. Jan. 4, 1932. In office in morning a while. Wired Washington office. Saw Freeman and then to Salem. Looked over some of Prof. Peck's specimens