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Jan. 4, 1932 cont. and called on Hall Hass Sec of State. Thence to Corvallis arriving at 500 PM accompanied by Jewett and his Chevrolet. Conference with Jusheys and R. G. Johnson. Greeted various county agents of Oregon. R. G. Johnson warned that Theron King was trying to discredit John Lawrence in order to get a job for his brother. Jan. 5, 1932. At opening session of Oregon Extension Conference and visited Maris, Ballard Teulsch and others. Attended annual luncheon of Eplosilon Sigma Phi and then to Portland with Jewett arriving at 530 PM. [[tab obscures writing.]] [[Jan.?]] 6, 1932. In office in morning and [[visited?]] with Prof. DuBois. Looked at house made visit to bank & McDermitt's office and then home. Took 930 PM Portland Rose from Idaho. Jan. 7, 1932. Discovered L. T. Merwin, L. A. McArthur and Hilmar Pabst, Gen. Mgr. Portland Gas Co. the latter a new acquaintance on the train enroute to N.Y. Enjoyed visit with them very much particularly latter who has keen mind. M. P. Bailey, Idaho state game warden got on at Boise and I had a long visit with him. He said he understood Bureau's position but that sportsmen were very much wrought up over what they considered unfair treatment at the hands of Bureau. Promised me some pamphlets they were putting out. Arrived at Pocatello 6:20 P.M. where I met Murray, Twitchell, Rider, Ben Evans, Alfred Twitchell. Talks with a few others
Transcription Notes:
Indicted guess at obscured writing using [[?]] -@siobhanleachman