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Jan 8, 1932. At 39th meeting of Idaho wool growers convention visiting stockmen. Conference with Eph. Richs, of Sugar City, member of State P. A. Board who told me that if I wanted to see my coyotes in his country I'd have to come soon as they were getting rid of them.
[[underlined]] G. E Tolmia [[/underlined]], Firth Idaho - very friendly & remembered our meeting at Boise. Thot the boys were doing well.
[[underlined]] Leonard Cox [[/underlined]] Shelley Idaho. very friendly & thot some good work was being done.
[[underlined]] J. D. Little [[/underlined]], Howe, Idaho. Very friendly. 
Senater [[underlined]] D. J. Law [[/underlined]], Soda Springs - chairman of P.A. Committee of present convention. Remembered our talk last spring and in very friendly mood. Had a long talk with him about coyotes, rodent damage to range - erosion & range improvement.
Joe Law, Soda Spring [[insertion]] see. [[/insertion]] also above conference with his brother. Very friendly.
[[underlined]] M. C. Claar; Sec. Idaho Wool Grower, Boise, Idaho  Promised to put me on his mailing list. Stated frankly that there had been a big improvement in feeling & cooperative spirit here. Commended Murray & promised his immediate cooperation in correcting and harmful element that might arise. 
"Butts" Reardon Co Ag - Leader. commended personal & cooperative spirit very highly "no danger of any trouble with present personel".
Co agents Warren Duigh, Pocatello, Harvey Hale of Twin Falls, Anderson of (Montpielear) Paris all stated they had good cooperation 

Transcription Notes:
Think M. C. Claar = M. C. Clarr via