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Jan 10, 1932. Advised Tom not to work any hardships on married men by sudden moves that were unnecessary or not imperative. Saw with Lee about Pocatello [[underlined]]] Tree Sparrow [[/underlined]] 3 [[underlined]] L. F. Chickadee [[/underlined]] 4 or 5 [[underlined]] Townsend solitare [[/underlined]] 1 [[underlined]] Magpie [[/underlined]] 2 o 3 [[underlined]] Brewer Blackbird [[/underlined]] sev flocks. [[underlined]] Horned Larks [[/underlined]] " " [[Dittos for: sev flocks.]] [[underlined]] Golden eyes. [[/underlined]] Very common along little creeks. [[underlined]] Song Sparrow [[/underlined]] (1) Warren Daigh came & visited me for several hours & took me to train. Jan 11, 1932. Left Pocatello 1:50 AM arr Ogden at 6:00 AM Cold & snowy. Left Ogden 10:05 AM worked all day on my book. Snow covered all of Nevada. Jan 12, 1932. Came to San Francisco 8:30 AM Met Charley & Joe at Oxford. Went to meeting of Chamber of Commerce Committees on Fish & Game & Agr. Met Paul Wilson - Taylor - Dean Hoover, C. C. Teague, Listened to the discussion & made a very brief statement of Bio. survey position. Jake & John Curry, and Gene Kellogg made wonderfully fine talks. Hall made a good talk & Linsdale a poor one. Resolutions continued support of works. In evening conferred with Poole - Keyes, Olsen, Pyor & Webb