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Jan 13, 1932. With James Moffit to Suisun Bay to the Volante Duck Club. Saw many [[underlined]] Ruddy Ducks [[/underlined]], a few [[underlined]] Canvas Backs [[/underlined]] - [[underlined]] Tule Geese [[/underlined]] - an [[underlined]] Egret or [[/underlined]] two & a scattering of other birds. One [[underlined]] Sora Rail [[/underlined]] stood a few feet from us and pecked unconcernedly at the water vegetation. Lots of [[underlined]] Song Sparrows [[/underlined]], [[underlined]] Tule Wrens [[/underlined]], and [[underlined]] Fox Sparrows [[/underlined]] all over the marshes. Saw two or three [[underlined]] duck hawks [[/underlined]] and several [[underlined]] white tailed kites my first [[/underlined]] and a wonderful sight to see them hovering over the meadows to sail down with upraised wings - a peculiarity I've never noticed in any other species & which Moffit says is characteristic. Returned to Club house for a delicious dinner and a fine fire in the big fire place in the living room where I've written these notes and am now starting to skin 4 fox & 2 song sparrows. Jan 14, 1932. With Moffit at Volante again returning to S.F. at 2:00 PM Collected one [[underlined]] hermit thrush [[/underlined]]. In afternoon called at Forest Office but too late to see Nelsen. Spent evening with Joe Dixon in his Berkeley home. Jan 15, 1932. With Horn to Sacremento stopping at Davis for a visit with Tracy Storer. Then to office to see Poole Keyes, Piper, Neff & Jacobsen. Also saw Geo. Tonkin for a few minutes. Storer was pleased with the pamphlet of Kelloggs. To Davis where I took train to Portland.