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Jan 20, 1932. cont) W.S.C. In evening to Director Balmer's dinner and then to a sportsman meeting at Moscow Idaho. Met Morris, Tom Murray and numerous sportsmen. also Mac. Bailey Idaho State Game Warden. Jan 21, 1932. To Lewiston to Idaho State Chamber of Commerce meeting. Bailey made a good talk. Some criticism of B.S. duck season particularly [[strikethrough]] by [[/strikethrough]] Claude High of southwestern Idaho sportsmens assn. Left there with Leo Couch, Tom Murray and Glen Smith assistant regional forester of Missoula Mont who had some most interesting figures on big game in Idaho which he promised me. Left Murray at Pasco to take plane on into Boise while we went to Yakima. [[underlined]] Jan 22, 1932. [[/underlined]] At Yakima where met Stanley Coffin, Tom Drumhellen, and numerous other sheep men. Gov. Hartley, Director Barnes, L and Ann-Savage and other state dignitaries were also present Attended banquet with Nelson editor of the Yakima paper & Gilbert Brown No criticism of us in meeting. I made a short talk & resolutions committee made a report favorable to us which was adopted [[underlined]] Jan 23, 1932. [[/underlined]] With Leo & Elmer to Portland in govt car. Loaned money to them to get home on due to banks being busted in Olympia. Arrived home at 400 PM. Jan 24, 1932. With Clara to Mrs L. T. Merrils at Hillsboro for dinner at 200 PM. Mrs Merrill has been talking about two strange birds at her place