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Jan 24, 1932 (cont) which I had thot were immature golden crowned Sparrow. To my utter amazement they proved to be two [[underlined in red]] Harris Sparrows [[/underlineds]] in winter plumage This is first record for Portland area & second for Oregon. Identification positive as I watched them for a long time at her bird feeding station at short range Jan 25, 1932. Completed the deal for the house at 684 E 14th No except for a few details .In office on general office work. [[strikethrough?]] Berry's for dinner in evening where we had a fine time. Clara June & I carried books down stairs all day. Jan. 26, 1932. In the throes of moving getting the big truck load to the new house first about 530 in PM. Horace helped and we hauled the little birds & all the books in our cars. Everyone tired but happy Jan 27, 1932. Attended mail, worked on talk for tomorrow and helped some at home. Left at 930 PM for Yakima Jan 28, 1932. Attended meetings of Game Commissioners & Wardens for Wash. arriving in Yakima at 730 AM. Met Lear Pres. of organization and a great many commissioners and wardens Discussed Weaver, Morris & Ludwig with numerous men from N.E. Washington Statements of these men were as follows. [[underlined]] C.G. Mihills [[/underlined]]- Game Warden - Spokane Co. Morris - best man they ever had. Good citizen hard worker - good trapper. Did them more good