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Jan 28, 1932 (cont). I do not know whether it is a change of policy or personel but I want to say we are getting real cooperation now" 
Sam Rathburn, Sen. Post, Sen. Summerville, Sen. Meyers, Judge Driscoll, Mr Taylor com. from Thurston Co & several others told me my talk was a good one. Conferred with many people here, including Otto Busch and then left for Spokane at 1220 AM.
[[underlined]] Jan 29, 1932. [[/underlined]] Spokane Wash. Arrived 720 AM & met John Connors who took me to Chattersy to meet Otto Ludwig. Ludwig stated Englund & Morris were drunk at interstate fair in 1929 at Spokane. Named as witnesses Mrs Ludwig (Nellie Coolbaugh) Geraldine Kruse - daughter of William Kruse of Rockford Wash. (Snowed in & unable to reach) also claims he gave Englund a gallon of liquor at one time. Says Englund did not ask for it. Denied that he knew Williams - said he had never taken a drink with him.
Claimed that an old side kick of his lost a bunch of sheep last spring. Name A. L Dunlap of Valley Wash as the man. Also his father in law Taylor. Said it was Weaver's fault for not promptly appearing on scene. Said he was notified on Sat & didn't get there till Monday. All the information he would give altho he hinted he knew more. 
[[underlined]] Mrs. Ludwig [[underlined]] Stated she was at the fair grounds four years ago with Mr Ludwig - She was then in 10th grade. Said there was a "drunken bunch" there but refused to be mixed up in it. Wouldn't talk but tried by innuendo to lead me to think