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[[underlined]] Feb. 2 1932. [[/underlined]] cont. and then home to meet Rev. Krause who wanted me to make a talk for him Thursday evening at St. Helens. Worked at home.
Feb. 3, 1932. General office work - preparation for meeting at St. Helens. Worked at home straightening up things.
[[underlined]] Feb. 4, 1932. [[/underlined]] ^ [[insertion]] Museum board meeting. [[/insertion]] In office general office work reports & correspondence. [[Lo?]] Portland at 200 PM - to sc oppose section - also to St. Helens. Talked to about 75 people in evening on work of the Biological Survey particularly on conservation. Returned home at midnight tired out.
Feb. 5, 1932.  In office in morning - mail & reports also saw several people. Have had busy day but spend some time preparing for Audubon meeting. Spoke at the Audubon Society at 800 PM on "Shore Birds the Wanderers".
Feb. 6, 1932.  Office work. In afternoon polished floors - for my wife: some job. In evening attended banquet given for Nature Teachers of Portland School by Audubon Society. Spoke on some remeniscences - and value of memories of the great out of doors. Took Ben Lampman home after meeting.  He made a fine talk and everyone enjoyed it.
Feb. 7, 1932.  Lazy sort of day for everyone in recuperation for strenuous weeks. Worked some on book.
Feb. 8, 1932.  In office general office work & reports - worked on tabulations for great mass of data desired by Washington office on various subjects.