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Feb 20, 1932 cont.

Twenty baits. Saw six deer in a little canyon. and eleven more on another further up. Also some scattered ones.

On Powder river [[strikethrough]] we [[/strikethrough]] shot a [[check mark]] [[underlined]] horned lark [[/underlined]] breaking into wing. While Franklin was chasing it a [[check mark]] [[underlined]] Prairie Falcon [[/underlined]] swooped on in three times almost getting it and coming within a few feet of him. The last time he swooped between us and I was unable to shoot but got in a shot when he rose, knocking out a few feathers. He was the boldest most determined hawk I've ever seen.

At the Ferguson ranch a little apple orchard with a few frozen apples held all the bird life in that vicinity..
Two [[underlined]] Sciurus richardsoni [[underlined]] in trees froze for 10 minutes (est) when I caught them at a disadvantage. ✓ [[check mark]] [[underlined]] Bohemian Waxwings [[underlined]], ✓ [[check mark]] a [[underlined]] Flicker [[/underlined]], &
✓ [[check mark]] 4 [[underlined]] mountain quail [[/underlined]] fed them Saw following birds. mostly along Eagle creek & Powder River.
✓ [[check mark]] [[underlined]] Mallard [[/underlined]] about 15 all old drakes
✓ [[check mark]] [[underlined]] Crow [[/underlined]] several
✓ [[check mark]] [[underlined]] Magpie [[/underlined]] several
✓ [[check mark]] [[underlined]] Hungarian Partridge [[/underlined]] [[coney?]] 79 [[margin]] Baker Co. [[/margin]]
✓ [[check mark]] [[underlined]] China Pheasant [[/underlined]] (1)
✓ [[check mark]] [[underlined]] Prairie Falcon [[/underlined]] (1)
✓ [[check mark]] [[underlined]] Sparrow Hawk [[/underlined]] 2
✓ [[check mark]] [[underlined]] Lewis Woodpecker [[/underlined]] 1 in apple tree Newbridge
✓ [[check mark]] [[underlined]] Flicker [[/underlined]] (1)
✓ [[check mark]] [[underlined]] Bohemian Waxwing [[/underlined]] 2 flocks total 40
✓ [[check mark]] [[underlined]] Merrill's Horned Larks [[/underlined]] several hundred.
✓ [[check mark]] [[underlined]] Junco [[/underlined]] -20 -25
✓[[check mark]] [[underlined]] Song Sparrow [[/underlined]] (1)

Transcription Notes:
2nd & line 4 of [[?]] lines [[?]] see 2 lines below, I think it means "times" [[Triclor]] googled many possible versions, but couldn't find anything close to this.