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[[underlined]] March 3, 1932 [[/underlined]]. In office on routine work Birds of Oregon etc Office correspondence The Biological Survey crowd at the house tonight. Everyone had a good time and enjoyed themselves apparently. Branson out of town Speer illness of Mrs Speer & Miss King on account of her mother were absent All others there. To our intense surprise we were presented with a fine [[overwritten]] student [[/overwritten]] table lamp - very appropriate
[[underlined]] Mar 4, 1932 [[/underlined]]. General office work. arranged at bank to finance self while away & fix up advance of funds Birds of Oregon. Mrs. Merrill left a beautiful framed enlargement at office for me of her Harris Sparrow. We have certainly played in luck this time - more beautiful remembrances there for a long time To bed early.
[[underlined]] Mar 5, 1932. [[/underlined ]] To new nursery with John to lay out display garden. Thence to office & work over Bach case. Then to Greenwood house & look over his rock garden selling him a small bill of stuff. Home for the evening working in the library.
[[underlined]] Mar 6, 1932 [[/underlined]]. In morning with Prof. George Iris & Jean over to [[Mocks?]] bottoms to look for two alleged "white crane" carcasses. Did not find them but had a nice walk and saw a few birds
[[check mark]] (1) [[underlined]] Glaucous winged Gull [[/underlined]]3 or 4
[[check mark]] (2) [[underlined]] Mallard about 20 [[/underlined]] - with [[Male symbol]]s in high plumage
[[check mark]] 3 [[underlined]] Green winged teal 3 [[/underlined]]
[[check mark]] 4 [[underlined]] Short eared Owl 1 [[/underlined]] [[check mark]] [[underlined]] W. Robin several [[/underlined]]
[[check mark]] 5. [[underlined]] Coopers Hawk 1 [[/underlined]] [[check mark]] [[underlined]] W. Bluebird [[/underlined]] 4
6. [[check mark]] [[underlined]] Evening Grosbeak [[/underlined]] 2
[[paper is torn in bottom left corner, removing list numbers 7 & 8]]
[[check mark]] [[underlined]] Song Sparrow C [[/underlined]]
[[check mark]] [[underlined]] Seattle Wren [[/underlined]] 2