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[[underlined]] Mar 16, 1932 [[/underlined]] on Willett and discussed with him the Salton sea. He is anxious to have certain islands included in the new refuge there. Particularly one on which there is a colony of Gull billed and Caspian Terns. Saw Jack for a few minutes and then got away from L.A. at 615 enroute to Phoenix.
[[underlined]] Mar 17, 1932 [[/underlined]] Arr Phoenix 720 AM
Meet Gilchrist and discuss problems with him. Also Gillam, Meuse etc. In afternoon Gilchrist and Gillam took me out over the valley to see the citrus groves - Date gardens etc and the big cactus - cholla cactus etc This is a weird looking country. The big tree cactus looks top heavy and the landscape is covered with cactus of many different kinds also a filmy looking tree called "polo verde" - a legume and other vegetation. A shrubby rudbeckia? Phacelias - lupines etc. 
Saw [[underlined]] Cactus Wrens, Cactus woodpecker, [[strikethrough]] Red-cockaded Woodpecker [[/strikethrough]], Palmer Thrasher [[/underlined]] and another which I thot a crissal.
Several hummers which couldn't be identified. [[underlined]] Golden crowned Sparrow - white crowned Sparrow, Audubon warbler - Black Phoebe [[/underlined]].
A lovely dinner and a quiet evening at Gilchrists. A very fine time.
[[underlined]] Mar 18, 1932 [[/underlined]] at office most of day talking with bunch there. Rotary club luncheon. Leave Phoenix at 645 PM via Phoenix. Met Tony Johns and former game warden Perry and had a particularly nice visit with the latter during my stay in Phoenix.