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[[underlined]] Mar 19, 1932 [[/underlined]] Enroute via Santa Fe. Wakened early & had a good view of San Francisco Mt. Discussed problems with Gilchrist & looked at scenery alternately. Hot & muggy all day cooler at night. Northern Arizona and N. Mex much like E. Ore except for red sandstone ledges & cactus & yucca
[[underlined]] Mar 20, 1932 [[/underlined]]. Arrived at Denver at 1130 AM and was met by [[Leaythe?]] and Garlough and started east. Drove thru snow & rain to Hayes Kansas over a rolling dreary landscape with a general eastward slope. Saw many Horned Larks - Rough legged Hawks numerous with alive n four dead along road several Marsh Hawks, Brewers B.B. & Magpie.
[[underlined]] Mar 21, 1932 [[/underlined]] Left hotel at 900 AM in Hayes Kansas in a howling blizzard and after driving slowly thru it for hours and fighting a bucking engine we arrived at Salina Kan. 109 miles away at 400 PM. At time the snow was blowing so that one could not see the radiator cap.
[[underlined]] Mar 22, 1932 [[/underlined]] L. Salina Kan 900 AM after visiting every garage in town in a vain effort to get bucking removed from car. At Topeka which we reached at noon found a garage man sane enough to fix it and thereafter we made good time. Roads were bad to Kansas City Mo. and across Missouri the best we have seen - yet. Yesterday in the blizzard we saw nothing but horned Larks Meadowlarks along the road. Today Robins Meadowlarks and Redwing blackbirds in abundance the latter flying northward in small flocks. Arrived St. Louis 1130 PM.