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[[underlined]] Mar 23,1932 [[/underlined]]
Left St Louis 930 AM and drove steadily till 900 PM to reach Springfield. Shrikes were not as abundant as yesterday but saw first Bronzed Grackles as we came out of St. Louis at Indianapolis saw great flocks of Starlings and from there on till dark they were present. Arrived in Springfield Ohio 900 PM
March 24,1932 Arose early wrote letters and then with the bunch to see Mr. Connable manufacturer of K-R-O who proved a most delightful host. He showed us thru the plant and then up at the country club with broiled lobster we didn't get away until 300 PM.
After that we drove thru the beautiful southern Ohio country to Marietta on the Ohio River. This is a most pleasing country with its rolling hills - old picturesque farm houses of brick and stone and air of solidity.
[[underlined]] March 25 [[/underlined]],1932. Left Marietta before six and travelled steadily across the West Virginia Hills to Winchester Virginia where we were waked for lunch at an [[underlined]] Inn [[/underlined]]. There in to Washington arriving at 330 PM. Visited office and secured mail
[[underlined]] Mar 26,1932 [[/underlined]] In Washington visiting young Crouch chief etc. Played golf with gang in afternoon
[[underlined]] Mar 27,1932 [[/underlined]] Easter Sunday rained like the devil all day. Rested up from trip wrote letters and in evening to Youngs for a most delightful time.
Mar 28,1932 Opened conference by being dragged into the discussion of poison with Pearson etc. worked with Garlaugh all the afternoon on a letter to him. In evening to Day home with Garlaugh. Wonderful evening