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May 20, 1932.  Peach Tree Ranch 29,000 acres
Treated 1931   Strychnine barley 17,000 lbs
" [[Ditto for: Treated]] 1932 Thallium pot barley 3500 " [[Ditto for: lbs]]
I saw this area just after 1931 strychnine treatment & it was still badly infested with squirrels.  In fact one of the heaviest infestations I've yet seen.
Walked about 3/4 mile over this area along creek.
Saw following on walk
[[underlined]] Brown Towhee Pair [[/underlined]] & 4 newly fledged young and another pair with some young no unknowns
[[underlined]] Mourning Doves 30 [[/underlined]] of which possibly two were counted twice
[[underlined]] Turkey Buzzard [[/underlined]] 4
[[underlined]] Cal - quail [[/underlined]] 3 heard calling
[[underlined]] Cal Ground [[/underlined]] squirrels 7
Saw my first [[underlined]] Lawrence goldfinch [[/underlined]], numerous [[underlined]] Titmice, Lazuli Bunting, Larksparrows & goldfinches Nuthatchers - Cal woodpeckers [[/underlined]] etc.

In later afternoon, checked over territory adjacent to [[Holleon/Hollow?]].  good brush & oats country covered with [[Chemeise?]] in full bloom.
Saw from car in 40 miles as follows
Cal. ground squirrels - [[strikethrough]] 12 [[/strikethrough]] 1  
[[underlined]] Horned Larks [[/underlined]] 2
[[underlined]] Morning Dove [[/underlined]] 11
[[underlined]] Meadowlark [[/underlined]] 12
[[underlined]] Cal - Quail [[/underlined]] all in pairs 38
[[underlined]] Turkey [[/underlined]] Buzzards 2
[[vertical line - starting at Cal Ground]] Thallium heavy 1930 Spotted T. 1931 Spring none since [[/vertical line - ending at meadowlars]]

at about 6:00 PM walked about half a mile along bottom of San Antonio River.  Good caves - plenty of water.  poison history as above.  Saw one beautiful male [[underlined]] Phainopepla [[/underlined]]


Transcription Notes:
Can't identify the place location (Holon, Hollow?) nor the [Chemeise]