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May 20, 1932.
Noted as follows in my walk along San Antonio Dam
[[underlined]] Mourning Doves [[/underlined]] 17
[[underlined]] Cal quail [[/underlined]] 16 and covey of young of [[underlined]] unknown numbers saw [[/underlined]] several in brush.
Returned to King City & thence to Salinas with Wilson arriving here in [[strikethrough]] 1931 [[/strikethrough]] 11:00 PM.
[[underlined]] May 21, 1932 [[/underlined]]
Left Salinas 700 AM thru Carmel Valley 25 miles
Same open land at first particularly on bare hills of first plague foci west of Salinas. Horned Larks abundant on this area which has had in succession - strychnine, [[strikethrough]] thallium [[/strikethrough]] & carbon treatment
Their trilling little song present everywhere. Saw 21 [[underlined]] Hudsonian Curlew [[/underlined]] & 6 [[underlined]] Marbled Godwits [[/underlined]] on this hills. From here we went thru a wooded country with open spots all plague area.
Saw as follows
[[underlined]] Meadowlarks [[/underlined]] 13 - of which 11 were on first open hills
[[underlined]] Horned Larks [[/underlined]] 22 - all of which were in this area many more heard.
[[underlined]] Mourning Dove [[/underlined]]  5
[[underlined]] Cal Quail [[/underlined]]  11
[[underlined]] Turkey Buzzard [[/underlined]] 3
Cal.Ground Squirrel 2.

Thence thru Monterey & onto the Gigling Military Reservation a plague foci. Poisoned heavily with Thallium in Spring of 1931 and a lighter treatment in 1932. Very effective ground squirrels at very low ebb. [[underlined]] Quail more[[/underlined]] abundant than I've ever seen elsewhere. Many heard calling
every time car stopped. Brush area ideal for quail with hunting restrictions