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May 31, 1932 (cont)
trapper left last time. Said there were less than 1/4 as many coyotes as formerly but that they were killing many lambs & a few old sheep. Think its due to scarcity of rabbits that died by thousands. Also reported range horses almost wiped out by cold & snow last winter. Trapper had great mess of scalps tacked up in barn.
Just after leaving Elko we saw a coyote standing under a juniper. Fairchild shot once standing & twice running but coyote got into canyon & got away. Didn't see a single rabbit all day & only 1 squirrel. Feed in the hills simply wonderful. 
[[underlined]] Plants. [[/underlined]] Few new plants but did see an abundance of [[underlined]] Phlox rigida & longifolia, [[/underlined]] great masses of [[underlined]] Wyethia [[/underlined]] and a very dwarf prostrate white [[underlined]] Wyethia [[/underlined]] in wet places, also high up a cut leaned [[underlined]] Balsamorizha. Viola purpurea [[/underlined]] & another [[underlined]] yellow viola [[/underlined]] with very elongated leaves. [[underlined]] Dodecatheon [[/underlined]] in great masses, [[underlined]] Camassia [[/underlined]] same, a big yellow buttercup like one at Hechners Ranch in Oregon. Rye grass luxuriant & Sage brush simply carpeted with flower & a solid lawn of grass. It has rained most of the day -& we have only glimpses of rugged mountains on all sides which are between 11000 & 12000 feet in altitude.
On way we stopped at Hulery ranch & discussed with him his poison work. Found his studded stations were mostly on Taylor's private holdings which are under fence. He was warned by both Sano & myself to exercise every care in turnout & placing of poison.
We are staying tonight in an old hotel known as Columbia on the Humboldt N.F. Snow banks are in sight all around & it is early spring now.

Transcription Notes:
Balsamorhiza is a plant, but I think he might have spelled it Balsamorizha.