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June 1, 1932 cont
[[bird names underlined]] [[checkmarks beside each name]] Horned Owl (1), Sparrow Hawk 3, Calliope Hummer sev., Rufous Hummer Sev, Flicker 5, Song Sp sev, Robin, a, Yellow Warbler c, House Wren c, Rock Wren 3, Fox Sp sev, Evening Grosbeaks 2, Black headed grosbeaks sev, Lazuli Bunting Sev, Bullocks Oriole sev, Vesper Sp 10, Willow Thrush - 2 thrushes which were neither Hermit nor Russet backed about cabin, Lutescent Warbler 2, (possibly Orange Crowned), Magpie c, Spotted sandpiper 1 Violet Green Swallow sev, Sage Thrasher Sev, Traill's Flycatchers 2, Wood Pewee 2, Swainson Hawk 4 including one old bird flushed from a nest in a little aspen, Meadowlarks Sev, Killdeer Sev, Cliff Swallow two huge colonies at ranches, Mallard 1 old male in irrigation ditch, Audubon warbler sev, Mountain Bluebird 3, M Dove 3, Turkey Buzzard 1, Raven 1, Savannah Sp. 2 Brewer Blackbird a, Redwing Sev, Cal. Shrike 3, Red tailed Hawk 1, Horned Lark c. Larksparrow 2 [[/bird names underlined]] [[/checkmarks beside each name]]

June 2, 1932
At Elko talked with Judge Ethan probate judge from Austin whom we intended to see there. He states Rasmussens Father in law left an estate of between $80,000-$90,000 & that he was sure it was settled but couldn't give exact figures.
Left Elko at 900 AM and at Battle Mountain met a man by the name of D.F. Shovelin brother in law of Rasmussen who stated that at one time Rassmussens wife his wife & two others were each given checks for $6000 each about 5 years ago. Later another check for $3000 was presented to each. He saw first checks but assumes second was same as his wifes.
Thence on to Reno arriving at 830 PM. Two new Pentstemons & Sphaeralcea gorgeous
[[underlined]] Birds [[/underlined]]. Only new one Black crowned Night Heron 5 & Nighthawks 2 & Tule Wren sev Also saw Avocets,

Transcription Notes:
c = common? a = abundant? Pentstemon = Penstemon Sphaeralcea = Sphaeralcea