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[[underlined]] June 15, 1932 [[/underlined]]

Revised paper & dictated letters. Wrote a short note for Flora & Silva on [[underlined]] Lewisia hechneri [[/underlined]]. Did a little work on the birds of Oregon. Mowed lawn before supper & dug a few dandelions. Fred McNeil was in from the Journal and got porcupine pictures for newspaper article. Worked at nursery spading ground for a couple of hours in evening. Worked on MS on root plants.

[[underlined]] June 16, 1932 [[/underlined]]
Completed work on talks to be given before Pacific N.W. Bird & Mammal Soc. Visited with Dr Kellogg from Washington D.C. regarding fur farms etc. Arranged with Speer to take him to fox farms. Saw the school girls drill at Multnomah stadium & also Clara June's graduating exercises at Grant HS

[[underlined]] June 17, 1932 [[/underlined]]

Lv. Portland 835 AM via Varney Air Lines arr Pasco 1000 AM where Nicely met me with Leo's car. Discussed poison situation with him particularly whether or not he had ever let any poison out. Met Couch F.S. Hall on our arrival at Pullman at 200 PM. Arrived there just in time to make my talk on Factors affecting Bird & Animal Surpluses. Visited with Ray James regarding Williams & Weaver episode and obtained further sidelights on case. Doubt the advisability of restoring Miller. To Spokane in evening.

[[underlined]] June 18, 1932 [[/underlined]]
Left Spokane with Couch and traveled to Almira where I attended meeting of Ikes Walton League. Couch spoke and had a fine paper. I made a few impromptu remarks but crowd failed to get point that predatory animals were not only factor limiting game & other wild life. Resolutions introduced asking us to make