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[[underlined]]June 18,1932[[/underlined]]
hunters kill hawks & owls. Told them we couldn't. Also me condemning poison but Couch & I spoke against it as did R. D. Lytle & Senator Meyers after which it was withdrawn by sponsor who afterward apologized for it.
The banquet was well attended & the local talent exceptionally good [[strikethrough]]for[[/strikethrough]]. To wilbur in evening.
June 19,1932.
We saw Gubser, Finley, Correl. Particularly interviewed Gubser regarding his conduct. Then saw Senator Gray. Left Wilbur at noon and travelled to Walla Walla via La Monte Colfax & Dayton. Found [[underlined]]Ramona incana[[/underlined]] in bloom for first time. Saw numerous [[underlined]] Penstemons  - Calochortus macrocarpus[[/underlined]], lupines, [[underlined]] Iris missouriensis[[/underlined]] Erigerons etc. Arrived Walla Walla at 900pm.
[[underlined]]June 20,1932.[[/underlined]]
On way home with Clara & Mrs A.C U Berry. Found a very beautiful form of Penstemon acuminatus, Phlox viscida. P. stansburyii & [[underlined]]Erigeines-chrysopidis Spharalcea munroana[[/underlined]]. Found a wonderful stand of [[underlined]] Viola trinervata, Lewisia rediviva[[/underlined]] on the hills east of Goldendale in the [[rocky?]] flats. Also a few plants of a particularly georgeous plant of Penstemon speciosa. Arr Port. 1230PM.
[[underlined]]June 21,1932.[[/underlined]]
At Office entire day. on reports etc. Talked with Finley & to nursery in evening to work a while.
[[underlined]]June 22,1932[[/underlined]]
In office all day working on various matters & to nursery in evening where I put in a couple of good hours work.
[[underlined]]June 23,1932.[[underlined]] Working on article on thallium and other official work. To Devils Lake in PM & go for

Transcription Notes:
Ramona incana is a synonym for Purple Sage -@meg_shuler