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May 19, 1932 Bird notes in Harvey Co. Cont.

48. [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] Forsters Tern [[/underlined]] 10 
49. [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] Song Sparrow [[/underlined]] C 
50. [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] Savannah " [[ditto for: Sparrow]] [[/underlined]] C
51. [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] Western Grebe [[/underlined]] 4 
52. [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] W Solitary Sandpiper [[/underlined]] (c) 
53. [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] Gadwall [[/underlined]] 2 
54. [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] Red head Duck [[/underlined]] 1 
55. [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] Wilson Snipe [[/underlined]] 4
[[/end left column]]
[[start right column]]
56. [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] Yellow Warbler [[/underlined]] 1
57. [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] Gray Flycatcher [[/underlined]]  2
58. [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] Pacific Nighthawk [[/underlined]]
59. [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] Merrills Horned Lark [[/underlined]] 2
60. [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] English Sparrow [[/underlined]] (c)
61. [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] Canada Goose [[/underlined]]  fl
62. [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] Cal House Finch [[/underlined]] 4
[[/end right column]]

FL of several thousand [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] killdeers about [[/underlined]] reservation headquarters.  Largest I've ever seen.
[[underlined]] Pintails most [[/underlined]] abundant of allducks - great [[bands?]] of them on one little pond.
[[checkmark]] Egrets - saw 15 at the narrows 4 of them sitting on Bridge at our approach - seem to have [[increased?]] at Narrows collected [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] 1 greater [[underlined]] & [[checkmark]]  [[underlined]] 1 lesser yellowlegs [[underlined]] out of a flock of fine birds both fat as butter & both [[female symbol]]s

[[underlined]]August 20, 1932. [[/underlined]]
Conference with Dr. S.E. Hibbard & Julien Byrd, Lv Burns 800 Am to Potters swamp all dried up and then to Lakeview.  Two blowouts- terrible time & finally made Lakeview on patches and prayer. Spent 18.82 for new tires.

Saw a tremendous number of [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] Avocets [[underlined]] along Albert Lake. No. other birds worth mentioning around Lakeview.  Saw Tim Baldwin - Jack Campbell, Forest Supervisor.  G.H. Hechner arrive Lakeview 500 pm

[[/underlined]] Aug 21, 1932 [[/underlined]]
Lv Lakeview with Hechner to Jacobs ranch but failed to find him.  With Heckner to Plush & back thru Fort Dent Country where he has been working on porcupines.  Saw only one but plenty of trees that they had worked on.

At Crump Lake good colony of [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] Eared Grebes [[/underlined]] but few