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Aug 25, 1932
Arr Delake Store just in time to get a phone call from Miss King. Young wants to meet me at Pocatello first of week. Get car repaired before proceeding to Portland. In meantime work on notes & visit with family caught 1 catfish from docks.

Aug 26, 1932. Car being repaired work on notes & rest all day. Go swimming

Aug 27, 1932 Pack up - clean cabin & proceed to Portland arriving at 600 PM. [[check mark]] [[underlined]] Crossbills [[/underlined]] about all day. 

[[underlined]] Aug 28, 1932 [[/underlined]] Wife sick. Go to Silverton with John and see Cooleys Iris gardens. Return work on Catalogue and then start for Boise on Portland Rose at 930 PM 

[[underlined]] Aug 29, 1932. [[/underlined]] Visit J. H. Rearden Co Agt Leader for Idaho on train. He compliments boys on different attitude & on starting North Idaho work. arr Boise at 100 PM. Confer with Murray & Kerr. write letters & sign papers. 
[[underlined]] Aug 30, 1932. Work on expense account and other matters. Former a hell of a mess due to complicated travel. Left Boise at [[strikethrough]] noon [[/strikethrough]] 1130 AM and traveled to Pocatello with Murray. Nice day & nice ride Fine [[varigated?]] country near Rupert which I was glad to see. arr Pocatello 700 PM. Desert has lots of feed & the Minidoka Bird Refuge quite a sprinkling of ducks & shore birds none of which I could identify at the distance altho some Phalarope [[illegible: covered by a large stain]] theirs. 
Aug 31, 1932. 
In Pocatello in AM. conference with W.A Holt Sec. Oregon Wool Growers who expressed satisfaction with the districting of Oregon work. That it would be fine thing & afford better contact with work. Conference Paul Quick, Curt Baleschid elect to inspect new mixing plant bldg. 

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