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Sept 20, 1932.  Tues. In office in A.M. to bank & took chief to Senator McNary's home in P.M. then stopped at Bill Finleys in return for dinner & at Jewetts for a few minutes arriving home about 10 PM.

Sept 21, 1932.  In office in A.M. to bank and leave for Astoria at 100 pm with Young & chief & Jewett.
Saw on way down  
✓ 1. Band-tail pigeon (three) Clatsop Co)
✓ 2. Turkey Buzzard 1
                    } Columbia Co
✓ 3. Green back goldfinch 1

[[underlined]] Sept 22, 1932 [[/underlined]]
With Jewett to Saddle Mt in am & to Canion Beach in P.M.
Saw following
✓ (1) Sanderling  many at Gerhart
✓ (2) Glaucous winged Gull 1 [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]]
✓ (3) California " [[ditto for Gull]] C

[[begin column]]

✓ 4 Ringbilled " [[ditto for Gull]]
✓ 5 Western gull
✓ 6. Short-billed gull
✓ 7. Ruffed grouse 1
✓ 8. Band tailed pigeon (26) (11-15)
✓ 9. Crossbill abundant
✓ 10 Savannah Sp 1
✓ 11 Nuttalls " [[ditto for Sp]](sev)
✓ 12 Song sparrow few
✓ 13. Junco (sev)
✓ 14. Harris Woodpecker 1
✓ 15 Pileated " [[ditto for Woodpecker]] 1
✓ 16 Northwestern Flicker c
✓ 17 Kingfisher 2-3
✓ 18 W Robin c
✓ 19. Russetbacked thrush 1
✓ 20. W. Bluebird 1
✓ 21. Horned Lark 10-12

[[end column]]
[[start column]]

✓ 22. Pipet 6
✓23. Cedar waxwing fe)
✓ 24 Black throated gray warbler 2
✓ 25 [[Winter?]] Wren 1
✓26. Fox sparrow
[[/second column]]