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Sept 27, 1932
Jewett & I went for a little bird trip this AM & got stuck in the sand. Saw darn few birds later the bunch went Salmon fishing & I caught a 27# Chinook. No one else in our crowd caught anything.
[[check mark before each bird name]] Saw 
[[left bracket covering  next 3 lines]]All feeding in Salmon Creek
California Gulls
Ring bellied Gulls
Western Gulls
Farralon Cormorants Sev
Pintail Flock of 10-12
Song Sparrow 2 or 3
Brewers Blackbird 1
Pipit Common on beach
Killdeer 1
Great Blue Heron 2
Burns Pelican 2
[[underlined]] Sept 28, 1932 [[/underlined]]
Leave Gold Beach 800 AM travel to Crescent City where we met Bill Polsen. Jewett left us here & started back toward Portland. Young & Polsen started south & Mr. Redington & self turned east at Orick after lunching with the other two. We traveled up a steep grade thru a magnificent redwood forest - out on to great bare hills & then down into the Canyon of the Klamath River. It was so foggy down the coast & so smoky in the canyon that we failed to see much scenery. We finally wound up at Orleans at about 530 with a crooked narrow steep road behind us but one which could undoubtedly be magnificently scenic if smoke permitted. A fire guard on the Klamath forest told us there were three fires in the vicinity.