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Oct 25, 1932
Bach trial opened at 10:00 AM Defendant present & still sweating. Atty O'Brian, Court room crowded with Bach friends & our witnesses mostly the latter. Bach's atty asked that witnesses be excluded & all except Couch & I 
were out. I testified first but only succeeded in identifying Bach's appointment, resignation office records
etc. Judge would not let me tell of his duties. Couch next & then stenographers, [[strikethrough]] Triese
[[/strikethrough]] & men from the Capital bldg who signed Bach's destruction sheets Triese on the stand when
court adjourned.
[[underlined]] Oct 26, 1932. [[/underlined]]
Triese finished. Landsteins, Grinspan, Express Co officers - Bank. & then Frank Reed. When Bach & his atty saw
that we were going to lead each hunter thru his records to trace each change he agreed that own tabulation of 
306 changes were correct With this we were able to finish our case at noon. In PM Bach went on stand in defense
& testified skins sold were his own and that he had purchased them in various places. Could remember very little as to names - dates & places etc. Mrs. Bach testified that he was a fine man - told the number of their children, home etc. Dishen testified that he bore good record & reputation.
In afternoon & evening Luckhardt & I tabulated figures various ways for Mallory's use finishing at midnight.
[[underlined]] Oct 27, 1932. [[/underlined]] Mallory's closing argument & rebuttal were masterly. A clear, cold logical summation of the record. Obvious was entirely a plea for sympathy