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Nov 5, 1932 cont.
Terrible storm made land bird observation difficult. Continued most of way to Portland arrived home 9:30 PM

[[underlined]] Nov 6, 1932 [[/underlined]] Spent most of day making up birds-most of which came out beautifully. The folks were here for dinner and Clara had a wonderful scald on her chickens. In afternoon I met Dr. Benson & Dr & Mrs Kistner at the gardens & sold about 25.00 worth of plants & John sold each one of my books. In evening with Clara & the kids.
[[underlined]] Nov 7, 1932 [[/underlined]] 
In office. Mail & arranged Cal trip. Leichhardt will go as far as Tule lake with me. He is fine company & thoroughly appreciated. Office jobs cleaned up. Some one sent a young emperor goose to Jewett. today the third or fourth he has counting the one from Edner years ago. To nursery to go over business with John and then home to get ready for trips. To Berry's with Iris to return a cot & then home.
Nov 8, 1932. 
Voted for Hoover altho feel it no use as he is bound to loose by a landslide vote out here. Thence to office for mail-to Prof's to see a bird & on the way ate lunch at Maupin and dinner at 7:30 at K. Falls. Rained all the way. Didn't see a  hawk of any kind & darned few other birds.
Collected a [[underlined]] Cal. Shrike [[/underlined]] near Maupin the latest record I have for this state.
Made him up and wrote notes this evening.
Nov 9, 1932
Studied for Tule Lake to deliver Leichhardt and stopped to look at ducks in the swamp. Chet arrested a man for shooting from highway.