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[[underlined]] Nov 14,1932 [[/underlined]] Cont.)
S.Cal. State Game executive was getting a little nervous with the pressure and his lack of knowledge.
Nov 15,1932 Arr S.F. 840 A.M.
Jim Moffit met me and we collected the five rails. Answered letters & cared for mail Skinned rails made up four and put one to soak. Left at 8:30PM arrived Tomales Bay 11:30PM
[[underlined]] Nov 16, 1932 [[/underlined]]
Shot [[underlined]] 3 Brant [[/underlined]] in company with Moffit & then looked over  territory returning to S.F. at 8:00 PM  Moffit showed me his method of hunting brant with decoys. They worked beautifully and we enjoyed it. Saw several loons - lots of Pelicans - few harlequins and lots of cormorants.
[[underlined]] Nov 17, 1932 [[/underlined]] At Wool Growers. Met & confered with Chet Wing, Hugh Baber Pres.; Fred Ellingwood & Mr. Robinson Pres. Mendacino Co W growers; Doug Pryor; Marvin Tuttle Pres. Glenn Colusa W. Growers; Al. Spencer etc. and others too numerous to mention. Poole complimented by Baber & Wing. Skinned many Brant & degreased same.
[[underlined]] Nov 18, 1932 [[/underlined]] Continued as above and in addition conferred with Senator Gordon. Fear that Wool Growers have worked themselves into a bad position by their attacks on everyone and every expenditure except their own interests. If they go to the legislature with such a program a retaliation by other groups is going to leave us high & dry. Attended Banquet. 
[[underlined]] Nov 19, 1932 [[/underlined]] Wrote letters conferred with Keyes-Poole & crossed bay to see Horn. Wrote letters & notes in P.M. while Horn went to game.