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[[underlined]] Nov 21, 1932 [[/underlined]]
Hard country to trap. Saw thousands of [[underlined]] robins [[/underlined]] all over this country which has a new crop of green grass just starting. arrived Garberville at 600 PM. Saw 14 deer during evening including one good buck.
[[underlined]] Nov 22, 1932 [[/underlined]]
Left Garberville 800 AM & called on hunter Lanigan(a bear hunter) with Poulson then into Eureka at noon where I attempted to see Doug Pine. He was out and I drove on into Coquille at 730 PM. Enroute collected a [[underlined]] Pygmy Owl [[/underlined]] just south of the Cal-state line and a Pygmy Owl and a Cal. Jay on Pistol River Mt.
[[underlined]] Nov 23, 1932. [[/underlined]]
Left Coquille 800 AM arr. Portland 130 PM. Stopped at Seal Rocks & found someone had been shooting up the place. Numbers of [[underlined]] crippled gulls & scoters [[/underlined]] were about as well as a [[underlined]] sanderling [[/underlined]] & a [[underlined]] Black Turnstone [[/underlined]].
[[underlined]] Nov 24, 1932 [[/underlined]]
Worked around home all morning on birds & ate Turkey with Claras folks. Stopped at DuBois on way home to see Prof. & deliver a couple of birds.
[[underlined]] Nov 25, 1932 [[/underlined]]
Mail & correspondence all day in office & at home with folks in the evening.
[[underlined]] Nov 26, 1932 [[/underlined]]
In office on general office work. at home I worked all afternoon making up a beautiful American Rough legged Hawk received from Leo. Couch and washing & making up two geese. Went to Jewett's in evening with Prof & John Carter to look at Gulls & compare my Jaeger.