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[[underlined]] Dec 27, 1932 [[/underlined]] cont
Lesser Loons and numerous scoters and Cormorants Gulls were scarce on the the bay.
[[underlined]] Dec 28, 1932. [[/underlined]]  On Sandpit at [[netarts?]]  Flocks of Snowy Plover and a few Least Sandpipers mixed with them. Few dead birds on beach. Home at midnight after tire trouble and everything else wrong that could possibly happen.
Dec 29, 1932. In office general office work. At home make up birds
Dec 30, 1932 General work in office. Home I made up birds from the trip 
Dec 31, 1932. In office in AM and made up birds in evening completing job.
[[underlined]] Jan 1, 1933 [[/underlined]]
Worked at cataloguing a bit and then made a trip to Dubois where I ate pig and trimming. Home in evening to catalogue birds. 
[[underlined]] Jan 2, 1933 [[/underlined]]
Planned to catalogue birds but B.W Talcott & son & then Geo Dubois came and I did not get too much done.
[[cloth tab pasted on edge of page with 1933]]
[[underlined]] Jan 3, 1933 [[/underlined]].
at office clearing desk of mail. To Dept. Of. Ag. Club and hear Joe Carsen. Also to game commission etc.  Get collecting liscense.
[[underlined]] Jan 4, 1933 [[/underlined]] Planned to go in Columbia but it was storming so hard it seemed useless. Worked around home all day fighting off the grippe & feeling rotten. Lucky we called off our trip or I'd have been sunk.
[[underlined]] Jan 5, 1933 [[/underlined]] Feeling rotten but attended Ike Walton meeting at Multnomah Hotel. Ebinger of Tillamook, Matthews of K.Fs, Mat Corrigan of the game commission, Sec. of Portland & Arthur Moulton & self many